Running a Processing 4 PApplet in Eclipse IDE

An example of using runSketch() in the PDE in order to have a separate PGraphics on a separate thread:

We config ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER " --sketch-path" to match PApplet’s main sketch, so save functions know the root folder where the sketch is run:

final String[] switches = { ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER + sketchPath(), "" };
runSketch(switches, layer = new Layer());

Layer is the 2nd PApplet subclass:

public static class Layer extends PApplet {
  static final short INTERVAL = 1*1000, TXT_SIZE = 40;
  static final float BOLD = 2.5;
  static final color BORDER = 0, TXT_COLOR = -1;

  PGraphics pg;
  PImage img;

  void settings() {
    size(1, 1, P2D);