Hi all!
I was wanting to rotate this spiral (made of ellipses) using framerate or some other means so the whole image slowly rotates.
Any help or direction towards tutorials, similar questions etc would be helpful!
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
background(#FFFF52); // yellow
stroke(0); //black
fill(#3CCAF0); //blue
void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2); //centre the canvas
float angle = TWO_PI / 21.0;
for (float rad = 20.0 ; rad < 500.0;) { //spread of the circles using radians
float s = TWO_PI * rad / 50.0; // size of circle
for(int i = 0 ; i < 21 ; i++) { // 21 circles
ellipse(rad, rad, s, s); // x & y co-ordinates changes depending on radians
rotate(angle * .25); // spacing between circles or offset
rad += .25 * s;