Let’s say that I have an image like this (in reality, I have a lot of them next to eachother, but let’s keep it simple)
example picture and I’d like to replace background color (that’s the one that’s not roads) with green color.
To do that I’d have to iterate through all of the pixels in the map and replace ones that match the color I want to remove.
But as you might think, my image is not a simple as 256x256 picture, but it’s slightly bigger, it’s 1440p, and the performance drop is significant.
How would I replace all of the unwanted pixels without iterating through all of the pixels.
I’m working with Processing 3 - Java(Android) and I’m currently using this piece of code:
for (x = 0; x < img.width; x++){
for (int y = 0; y < img.height; y++) {
//Color to transparent
int index = x + img.width * y;
if (img.pixels[index] == -1382175 || img.pixels[index] == 14605278 || img.pixels[index] == 16250871) {
img.pixels[index] = color(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
img.pixels[index] = color(map(bright, 0, 255, 64, 192));