This might be a weird question , but here goes:
Would it be possible to draw a Recursive Tree WITHOUT using rotate()?
I ask because I am preparing a couple of interactive projects where I use Processing to control a AxiDraw plotter in respons to users drawing on paper seen through top-dow web-camera + openCV. It seems like I might run into trouble with rotate(), since the AxiDraw needs specific coordinates to move to, and I cannot rotate the paper
Below is Shiffmans example of a recursive tree using rotate. Could it be done with PVectors instead?
float theta;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
void draw() {
// Let's pick an angle 0 to 90 degrees based on the mouse position
float a = (mouseX / (float) width) * 90f;
// Convert it to radians
theta = radians(a);
// Start the tree from the bottom of the screen
// Draw a line 120 pixels
// Move to the end of that line
// Start the recursive branching!
void branch(float h) {
// Each branch will be 2/3rds the size of the previous one
h *= 0.66;
// All recursive functions must have an exit condition!!!!
// Here, ours is when the length of the branch is 2 pixels or less
if (h > 2) {
pushMatrix(); // Save the current state of transformation (i.e. where are we now)
rotate(theta); // Rotate by theta
line(0, 0, 0, -h); // Draw the branch
translate(0, -h); // Move to the end of the branch
branch(h); // Ok, now call myself to draw two new branches!!
popMatrix(); // Whenever we get back here, we "pop" in order to restore the previous matrix state
// Repeat the same thing, only branch off to the "left" this time!
line(0, 0, 0, -h);
translate(0, -h);
I attempted to do it with PVectors, but yeah perhaps it would be easier with just cos and sin? But I guess I should pass the angle to the function too or�
Here is the recursive tree without using rotate hope it helps you with your own project.
float theta;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
void draw() {
// Let's pick an angle 0 to 95 degrees based on the mouse position
float a = (mouseX / (float) width) * 95f;
// then cap it at 90 degrees
a = min(a, 90);
// Convert it to radians
theta = radians(a);
// Start the tree from the bottom of the screen
translate(width/2, height);
// Draw a line 120 pixels
line(0, 0, 0, -120);
// Move to the end of that line
translate(0, -120);
// Start the recursive branching!
branch(new PVector(0, 0), -PI/2, theta, 120);
void branch(PVector parent, float branch_angle, float delta_angle, float h) {
// Each branch will be 2/3rds the size of the previous one
h *= 0.66;
if (h > 2) {
float ccw_angle, cw_angle, delta_x, delta_y;
// Left branch
// Counter-Clockwise branch
translate(parent.x, parent.y);
ccw_angle = branch_angle - delta_angle;
delta_x = h * cos(ccw_angle);
delta_y = h * sin(ccw_angle);
line(0, 0, delta_x, delta_y);
branch(new PVector(parent.x + delta_x, parent.y + delta_y), ccw_angle, delta_angle, h);
// Right branch
// Clockwise branch
translate(parent.x, parent.y);
cw_angle = branch_angle + delta_angle;
delta_x = h * cos(cw_angle);
delta_y = h * sin(cw_angle);
line(0, 0, delta_x, delta_y);
branch(new PVector(parent.x + delta_x, parent.y + delta_y), cw_angle, delta_angle, h);