Hello. I am working on a school project. I am supposed to create a Snapchat filter. I am trying to create something close to the pen tool with Processing 3.
So far I have not been able to figure out how to use arrays along with vertex to form shapes.
Here’s the code I am stuck with
for (int i = PenToolY.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
PenToolY[i] = PenToolY[i-1];
for (int i = PenToolX.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
PenToolX[i] = PenToolX[i-1];
// Add new values to the beginning
PenToolY[0] = mouseY;
// Display each pair of values as a line
for (int i = 1; i < PenToolY.length; i++) {
line(i, PenToolY[i], i-1, PenToolY[i-1]);
//vertex(i, PenToolY[i], i-1, PenToolY[i-1]);
PenToolX[0] = mouseX;
// Display each pair of values as a line
for (int i = 1; i < PenToolX.length; i++) {
line(i, PenToolX[i], i-1, PenToolX[i-1]);
I have used the line function to see how arrays can affect the coordinates when combine with mouse interaction.
Here’s the full code: https://dmail-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/2452239_dundee_ac_uk/EeDiLjfflZROqOfftoxH7UoBPWgS49sv5ff9CB-16qtVVw?e=RMAs73
This is what its results in:
I am a coding noob. Sorry if sharing a Word Doc comes across as naive.
Thanks in advance.