Once upon a time, there was this “Random p5.js Loader” sketch:
However, since when URL CodiceInutile.GitHub.io/website-dev/homepage.json ceased to exist, that sketch is no more.
Here’s a sample of what that “homepage.json” file used to be:
"title": "Should display squares",
"author": "Name of author",
"description": "Lorem Ipsum",
"kind": "javascript",
"href": "https://codiceinutile.github.io/website-dev/js/hero/federico.js",
"includes": [
"title": "Should display circles",
"author": "Name of author",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"kind": "javascript",
"includes": [
"href": "https://codiceinutile.github.io/website-dev/js/hero/alka.js"
"title": "PixelDawn",
"author": "Matteo Testa",
"description": "Processing",
"kind": "javascript",
"includes": [
"href": "https://codiceinutile.github.io/website-dev/js/hero/matteo.js"
"title" : "Hypnotic lines",
"author" : "Federico Pepe",
"description" : "Un progetto di Federico Pepe",
"url" : "/project/2016/12/30/esempio_project.html",
"href" : "https://codiceinutile.github.io/website-dev//js/projects/test_1.js",
"includes" : [
"title" : "Retini",
"author" : "cybermarinella",
"description" : "p5",
"url" : "/project/2016/01/01/esempio_project_mari.html",
"href" : "https://codiceinutile.github.io/website-dev//js/projects/retini.js",
"includes" : [