Raspberry Pi - Sound not playing from Processing

do not blame the cat!

i have same setup:
-a- RPI Raspbian
-b- HDMI TV/Monitor with sound
-c- processing 3.5.3

now that funny noise from the speaker i also have!
but only when i play
p5js.org like sketch
p5.js Web Editor
! and only as long i am LOGIN!!! ( very spooky )
pls listen in:
the noise seems related to drop in FPS ( that’s why i choose this example )

if login i hear that noise!

@kjhollen any idea why login lets the FPS drop like that? server communication would be only required on menu operation??

with that in mind i open processing 3.5.3
in p5.js Mode
copy paste same sketch and run it,
but not hear anything.

in both that is not a sketch what use any sound lib.

when i use processing 3.5.3 in Mode p5js
and test any “p5js example sound” it works.
but i see the red warning

no content type found for .mp3

when i use processing 3.5.3 in Mode Java
and test example from Minim ( all P3D )
there is a 5 sec start delay for the sketch but
then the sound play fine.

oh yes, RPI settings!!!

  • i use the GLdriver Legacy / not KMS
  • memory split is on 128
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