I am building a bespoke application for use in an art installation. I’m using OSX Catalina and Processing 3.5.4. I am loading hundreds of 1920 x 1080 PNG files into an ArrayList and after loading, running through the ArrayList displaying them at 30fps. Every time it loops it removes a random image from the ArrayList. It’s a video which sort of eats itself over time. This crazy method of playback is the best solution I can come up with for frame-accurate frame removal – video just not possible.
Of course the app uses gigantic amounts of RAM – I had to adjust the Processing Preferences to run it. It runs fine in the editor using Present mode, but after I compile an OSX executable (containing Java) it loads for a while then quits. It seems the RAM isn’t being managed in the runtime or by OSX. My question is – is there any way of forcing allocation of RAM either through Processing or in the OS? Would this issue occur if it was running in Windows? Any info appreciated – thanks