Hi guys!
I need some help here. I got a code sent to me by my teacher, so that i could “evolve” on it, but my problem is that i don’t understand the code and what the different factors and statements do??
I commented on the things that i know, but the rest i really dont know, can you help me?
import processing.pdf.*;
//declaring the float and boolean
float k=0;
float s = 1;
float rate = 1;
float factor = 50; //radius of the circle
float r1 = 5.0;
float r2 = 5.0;
/*the "d" defines how much */
float d1 = 5*factor + r1;
float d2 = 8*factor + r1;
float d3 = 5*factor + r1;
float d4 = 8*factor + r1;
float d5 = 8*factor + r1;
float d6 = 8*factor + r1;
float r = 6;
float g = 0;
float b = 0;
float angle = 0.0 ;
boolean begin = false;
/*setting up the canvas (size and background color),
stroke, framerate and that the drawing should have center in the middle */
void setup() {
size(1200, 1200);
background(28, 1, 73); //background color dark purple blue
stroke(0, 150, 0, 70);
shapeMode(CENTER); //the shape should have the center as the reference point
beginRecord(PDF, "processing2.pdf");
r1 = d1;
r2 = d2;
void draw() {
translate(mouseX, mouseY); //defining that the shape should follow the mouse
if (r == 255) r = 10; //definition of the colors on the red scale
if (g == 30) g = 20; //definition of the colors on the green scale
if (b == 130) b = 70; //definition of the colors on the blue scale
stroke(r, g, b);
/*Defining the circles and how much it should deviate from its original form*/
curveVertex(d1*cos(PI/3), d1*sin(PI/3));
curveVertex(d1*cos(PI/3), d1*sin(PI/3));
curveVertex(r2*cos(PI/3+PI/6), r2*sin(PI/3+PI/6));
curveVertex(d2*cos(2*PI/3), d2*sin(2*PI/3));
curveVertex(r2*cos(2*PI/3+PI/6), r2*sin(2*PI/3+PI/6));
curveVertex(d3*cos(PI), d3*sin(PI));
curveVertex(r2*cos(PI+PI/6), r2*sin(PI+PI/6));
curveVertex(d4*cos(4*PI/3), d4*sin(4*PI/3));
curveVertex(r2*cos(4*PI/3+PI/6), r2*sin(4*PI/3+PI/6));
curveVertex(d5*cos(5*PI/3), d5*sin(5*PI/3));
curveVertex(r2*cos(5*PI/3+PI/6), r2*sin(5*PI/3+PI/6));
curveVertex(d6*cos(2*PI), d6*sin(2*PI));
curveVertex(r2*cos(PI/6), r2*sin(PI/6));
curveVertex(d1*cos(PI/3), d1*sin(PI/3)); //afslutning
curveVertex(r2*cos(PI/3+PI/6), r2*sin(PI/3+PI/6)); //afslutning
angle += 0.005;
if ( k == rate) {
d1 = d1 + random(-s, s);
d2 = d2 + random(-s, s);
d3 = d3 + random(-s, s);
d4 = d4 + random(-s, s);
d5 = d5 + random(-s, s);
d6 = d6 + random(-s, s);
r1 = d1;
r2 = d2;
k = 0;
//keypress s to save as PDF
void keyPressed() {
if (key == 's') { //whens "s" is pressed, the PDF is saved