OK, new to processing here, I could use a little help solving this.
What I am trying to do.
Use an Arduino/motion detector to detect when someone walks by. When they do walk by I want a random .PNG from a file to open at a random Y value, defined x value, increase in size until the motion has stopped being detected. When the motion is no longer detected i want it to REMAIN on the screen and start slowly scrolling to the right, keeping its adjusted size values.
I want this process to repeat so i have a bunch of side scrolling PNGS, and a new one is added with each new motion detection.
I am at the step now where:
Motion is Detected…
-Random PNG loads at defined X, Random Y Cord….
-PNG increases in size as motion continue to be detected……
Motion Not Detected….
(at this point i want it to maintain its size/position values and start moving to the right, and then the process repeats with a new motion detection
-However here Values reset, Screen clears.
So I believe I need to set up an array, and append the image(img, 10, canvasY, size, size); line information
to a new array that will hold the visuals on screen and keep adding new visuals for every time the detector senses motion.
I can’t figure out how to do it.
Maybe theres a better way to go about this whole thing?
any help appreciated.
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
float size = 20;
float minSize = 25;
float maxSize = 240;
float sizeSpeed = .2;
String[] imageNames={"puddle2.png","puddle1.png","puddle3.png"};
PImage[]images = new PImage[imageNames.length];
int numPuddles = 3;
boolean rand = true;
float r = random(0, 2);
int ir = int(r);
PImage img = images[ir];
float canvasY;
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
// Prints out the available serial ports.
// You will see 4 different ports
arduino = new Arduino(this, "/dev/tty.usbmodemfa131", 57600);
arduino.pinMode(3, Arduino.INPUT);
// initialize image array
for (int i=0; i< imageNames.length; i++){
String imageName = imageNames[i];
images[i] = loadImage(imageName);
void draw() {
if (arduino.digitalRead(3) == Arduino.HIGH){
if(rand == true){
r = random(0, 2);
ir = int(r);
img = images[ir];
canvasY = random(20, 650);
rand = false;
rect(800, 500,10,10);
image(img, 10, canvasY, size, size);
else {
rand = true;
if(size < minSize) {
sizeSpeed *= 1;
if (arduino.digitalRead(3) == Arduino.LOW){
size = 10;