Quest for setTexture

Hi. I want to make an hexagonal tile using the setTexture method of PShape, the problem is I want to run the following example

PImage img;
PShape globe;
void setup() {
  // Load an image
  img = loadImage("earth.jpg");
  globe = createShape(SPHERE, 50);
  // Automatically texture the shape with the image

And I get the message “IllegalArgumentException: createShape(SPHERE) is not supported in 2D” . I tried to set up to P3D using “size(640, 480, P3D)” but nothing is drawn. What am I doing wrong?

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You’re almost there …

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Nothing is drawn.
That’s wrong.

You created the shape, fine. (A 2D sphere? What’s that?)
Textured it, fine.
Now draw() it.

I’m sorry. You were right, nothing is being drawn. I forgot the draw method I used the shape method. Thanks both of you!

void setup() {
  size(400, 400, P3D);

  PImage img = loadImage("img.jpg");
  PShape globe = createShape(SPHERE, 100);
  globe.setStroke(color(0, 0));  

  shape(globe, width*0.5, height*0.5);
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I use it to learn the difference of putting “shape” in setup and “shape” in draw, if I write shape in setup, it blinks a lot (at least in my graphic card) if I use it in draw it is just drawn.

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In my example I had no reason to call it in draw(), but yes if you plan to animate/interact/ect, then move it into draw(). I was just looking to explicitly show you that you need to call the shape() function in order to draw the shape.

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