@GWAK ===
I dont know to do that with Ketai but you can use the android native wy to display the camera data into a surfaceView; after that you have only to use the android mobile vision API and its barcode detector to get the code as a string, which can be passed as an url: tested, it works fine.
@GWAK === as for video within a surface view you can find on the forum many examples with code i have already given ; as for the barcode detector you can refer to the android API mobile vision importing some packages:
import com.google.android.gms.vision.CameraSource;
import com.google.android.gms.vision.Detector;
import com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode.Barcode;
import com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode.BarcodeDetector;
dont forget permissions for camera
Thank you for your kind answer.
However, I can’t find your previous posts in the forums.
Please tell me the’url address’ that contains the content of the test.
Hello, here is an example program, the original library that I have used is ZXING4P, I have modified one of the methods used to read QR codes and I have translated it to be compatible with the “android.graphics” framework libraries. Bitmap".
Basically the modification deals with building a Bitmap in android with the data from the PImage and then manually dumping the array of pixels from the PImage into the bitmap, everything that follows the process is the same as in windows and linux.
This also works for the video Stram example out there where it sends live webcam video over the network, with this way of creating a Bitmap on Android you could also use Daniel Shiffman’s library to send live video from the android phone.
It would be great if the creators of these libraries added the compatibility modifications to the libraries officially
Hola, ahora mismo estoy trabajando en el port completo de la libreria zxing4processing 2.0.
En esta version la libreria pretende ofrecer todo lo que ofrecia antes mas todas las funcionalidades portadas al sistema operativo Android para nuestro querido Processing 4.x.x.
En cuanto la pueda tener lista la publicare, es una simple actualizacion de la que ya existe que funciona super bien, la libreria no es mia originalmente, yo solo voy a actualizarla para ser compatible con Android
DECODED TEXT(1): This is an example of the decodeImage() method
(zxing4processing library)
DECODED TEXT(2): goldstarit
qr_make_copy not null
qr_make_copy width : 800
qr_make_copy height : 800
The image created by qr exists in size. but not marked I don’t know why.
Hola, aqui tienes la libreria portada al completo a Android, puedes hacer correr cualquier ejemplo de la libreria original desde Android con processing sin ningun problema