My code isn’t working and I don’t know why.
My start button and my control button works fine, but the arrow button, to go back to the menu, at my control button wouldn’t work.
Please help!
Here is my code:
def setup():
global menu, controls, whatever
size (750, 750)
menu = loadImage ( "startmainmenu.jpg" )
controls = loadImage ( "keycontrols.jpg" )
whatever = loadImage ( "gameover.jpg" )
def draw():
image(menu, 0, 0, 750, 750)
def mouseReleased(s):
if s.x > 136 and s.x < 136 + 477 and s.y > 263 and s.y < 263 + 159:
image(whatever, 0, 0, 750, 750)
def mousePressed(c):
if c.x > 136 and c.x < 136 + 477 and c.y > 484 and c.y < 484 + 159:
image(controls, 0, 0, 750, 750)
def mouseClicked(a):
if a.x > 0 and a.x < 0 + 61 and a.y > 672 and a.y < 672 + 77:
image(menu, 0, 0, 750, 750)
You need to out-dent your def mouseClicked(a) code, so that it sits against the left margin. Currently, it’s nested within the mousePressed(c) block.
I’ve spotted another issue, though: your #startbutton and #controlbutton code are always active. In other words, when your “whatever” and “controls” images are showing, the startbutton and controlbutton ‘zones’ remain clickable.
You need a structure for managing different levels/states in your game. Something to manage the switch between the different menus, between your menu and level 1 (with it’s own control scheme), the end-game screen, etc.
There are many approaches you can take … the ideal solution depends on how complex your game is and how well you know Python/Processing. Here’s the simplest example I can whip up:
state = 'menu'
def setup():
size(750, 750)
def draw():
if state == 'menu':
text('CLICK TO GO TO WHATEVER', 100, 100)
elif state == 'whatever':
text('CLICK TO GO TO MENU', 100, 100)
elif state == 'level1':
def mouseClicked(e):
global state
if state == 'menu':
# mouse events for menu
if e.x > 80 and e.x < 290 and e.y > 70 and e.y < 120:
state = 'whatever'
elif state == 'whatever':
# mouse events for controls
if e.x > 80 and e.x < 290 and e.y > 70 and e.y < 120:
state = 'menu'
elif state == 'level1':
Hope this helps.
If you’re doing advanced menu stuff, you may want to look at a GUI library.