Project with midi files

To mesure the delay, I’ve made something like that:
It gives me 17ms now constantly except sometimes gives me 1ms.

long last_click = 0;
long theorical_click = 0;

void draw(){
  if(millis()-last_click > 500){
    println("click audio");
    println("Delay :" + (millis() - theorical_click) );
    last_click = millis();
    theorical_click = last_click + 500;

I’ve found that post, but it doesn’t work very well too.

That’s the last code I made after reading the post. Maybe problem is audio?

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.spi.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;

Minim min;
AudioPlayer down;
AudioPlayer up;
int cont = 0;
long last = 0;
long next = System.nanoTime() + 1000000000;

void setup(){
  min = new Minim(this);
  up = min.loadFile("C:/Users/Arnau/Desktop/sketch_180907a/MetronomeAM_v02/data/up2.wav");
  down = min.loadFile("C:/Users/Arnau/Desktop/sketch_180907a/MetronomeAM_v02/data/down2.wav");

void draw(){
  if(System.nanoTime() > next){
    next = next + 500*1000000;;