Hola, soy principiante en processing y me encargaron hacer un programa en donde palabras (que ya estén de alta en el programa) caigan aleatoriamente en pantalla, el usuario tiene que escribirlas antes de que lleguen al final de la pantalla y gana puntos dependiendo de cuántos caracteres tenga la palabra escrita y pierde puntos (también misma cantidad de letras) si la palabra cayó y no la terminó de escribir o si no la escribió.
Necesito hacer este juego en diferentes clases: class juego, class palabra, class teclado.
Alguien puede ayudarme por favor?
You have to take that first step and start writing code.
What progress have you made so far?
I would start with one of the classes.
Check out the Object tutorial.
One of the best tools in a programmer’s tool chest is knowing the resources available to you and learning to navigate, filter, and use them.
A short list of resources to peruse:
Resources < Click here to expand !
Explore the resources available here:
The Processing website has references, examples, tutorials, links to resources, etc.
https://processing.org/ -
The Processing PDE (IDE) has lots to offer!
An exploration of the menu bar will reveal what is available there;
libraries, tools, local examples, and other goodies are in there. -
The Coding Train < Experience the unbridled enthusiasm of Daniel Shiffman
https://thecodingtrain.com/ -
Happy Coding
Processing Tutorials - Happy Coding -
The source code can give insight if you are adventurous:
GitHub - processing/processing: Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE) -
Explore Processing on GitHub:
Processing Foundation · GitHub
processing/core/src/processing/core/PApplet.java at master · processing/processing · GitHub < Many of the Processing functions are here! -
The Processing Foundation
Check out the menu.
In the education menu, there is a reference to the Coding Train. -
And the Internet.