Processing - Serial Coms with Arduino - receiving mostly "nulls"

Trying to get an Arduino report Data to Processing with a sketch which sends a String (“abcd”) every second.
On Processing side there is:

import processing.serial.*;

Serial SerPort;
String rx = "";

void setup () {
  size (480, 320);
  println ( Serial.list() );
  SerPort = new Serial(this, "COM2", 9600);

void draw () {
  if ( SerPort.available () > 0 ) {
    rx = SerPort.readStringUntil ('\n');
  rx = trim(rx);

As result there are some 20 “nulls” with the occasional “abcd” hidden in between. The Trim-command didn’t remedy.
Any hint welcome.
be well, Thomas

Hello @Europa81 ,

This will work and checks for the nulls:
