Hi, I haven’t used an Arduino in a number of years.
Tied up with life. Starting again from scratch to be honest.
But hoping to fast track. Building the project is my aim not to reinvent the entire wheel.
Never used process before.
If I can get some help, it would be appreciated.
I don’t see the reason for your defeat. Processing works well on Windows/Mac/RPi. Arduino is communicating to PC with serial. That’s the same for Windows/Mac/RPi but with different port names.
I’ve copied working Processing sketches from Windows to RPi and only changed the port name.
Processing works well on Windows/Mac/RPi. Arduino is communicating to PC with serial. That’s the same for Windows/Mac/RPi but with different port names.
How any one could help you if you don’t know how to use processing at first place??
Start first in how to connect Arduino to processing then it’s going to be more easier to solve your issue
If you feed this line of code myPort = new Serial(p, Serial.list()[3], 19200);
an integer to a functional usb port you should not get an error and see the following:
That ‘Serial.list()[0]’ parameter in the example frequently causes confusion. IMO we need a single post that explains it all properly. For now, easier to say: see what port you used to load the Arduino e.g. COM12, instead of ‘Serial.list()[0]’ put “COM12” (with quotes).
When selecting a serial port (as well as other things in life), it’s always nice to know your options. Adding the following code up near the front of your project can help you make an informed decision: printArray(Serial.list());
Hi, this doesn’t work for me. It’s been quite some time since I have worked with USB’s and RS232.
I don’t have an Arduino to hand at the moment. Wnen I do connect an Arduino to my PC will it show up in my Device Manager automatically. With an RS232 address?
Yes, probably. It depends on what Arduino you get, and whether the driver is already on your PC. Finding (Google etc.) the driver usually takes < 5 mins. After that it works every time, straight away. (If difficult please ask, with type of Arduino or url where you bought it.)
Is there supposed to be a semi-colon following JavaMode? Do you really need that line of code anyway? The mode is set in the upper right hand corner of the editor.