I am a beginner in coding. I like to code. Can someone help me to create a code a graveyard scene (I’m writing a story).
Pls help me. I would greatly appreciate it.
I am a beginner in coding. I like to code. Can someone help me to create a code a graveyard scene (I’m writing a story).
Pls help me. I would greatly appreciate it.
When you have an image you can just load the image and display as a background
Thank you for replying. I want it to be like a line art or animation…
and how do I insert an image.
There Processing website has tutorials, examples, references and much more!
Also look for Coding Train on YouTube.
For Images
Check reference | p5.js
See loadImage and image
For Line Art
And for line art, see commands line or rect and arc to make tombstones (see also link below)
Here is a sample public domain image:
Here is some sample p5.js code for displaying it:
let graveyard_image;
Public domain photo of Calvary Cemetery, Queens, New York
Downloaded from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cemetery
on April 26, 2021
Original photo by Plowboylifestyle
function preload() {
graveyard_image = loadImage("640px-CalvaryCemeteryQueens_edit.jpeg");
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 426);
function draw() {
image(graveyard_image, 0, 0);
Download the image and place it in the same directory or folder as the code, or place the image in a different directory or folder and modify the code accordingly.
Be sure to check the references that @Chrisir and @glv have posted.
EDIT (April 26, 2021):
Also see p5.js: Examples: Shape Primitives.
… and here is an adaptation of the p5.js Flocking example: