Hello everyone
Please help.
I connected processing and arduino. Sending some data from arduno for processing. Everything seems to be in order. But. At the same time, I want to activate the LED (for example) on the arduino by activating the button on the process.
Why do I send “1” from processing, I see it on the processing monitor, but I don’t see it on the arduino monitor?
At the same time processing is arguing: RuntimeException: Error opening serial port COM7: Port busy
Hi @Leonid, When you connect Processing to Arduino there are lots of choices. One of the major ones is
use the Processing Arduino library which talks to the Firmata sketch in the Arduino
use my own Processing sketch, talking to my own Arduno sketch.
use one of the value synchronising libraries (see Processing ref → libraries).
To avoid many of the errors I wrote an example with the intention that it works first time with data going both ways. Then you can feed your data in place of the data it uses, and then expand it with more data.
Ctrl+Enter sends a newline character to Arduino; you have newline selected and this is shown in your picture.
A newline character is ‘\n’ which is 10 decimal.
This is received by the Arduino and sent back to the Arduino Monitor using your code example: Serial.println(butt) // butt = 10;
OK. Thank you everyone for support. I have got it. I just connect LED to the arduino pin and swotched it on from the processing’s button. I understood that I only can’t see any data on the arduino’ Serial monitor. Can’t use them in parallell. Great. I will continue to invistigate this proggrams