hello guys
im in a bit of a dilemma. i am trying to sort the following text file:
a a 1
aasd asdasa 23
aghf bsad 12
ytyi qwea 1222313
hlkjojto erewrui 1222
aerwjdu sdahdsu 123422313
now, i want to sort the following text file of strings, which is loaded in processing 3 via:
String [] bookmarks;
bookmarks = loadStrings("bookmark.txt");
i want to sort the strings only based on the last numbers in each line, so that the result becomes the following:
a a 1
aghf bsad 12
aasd asdasa 23
hlkjojto erewrui 1222
ytyi qwea 1222313
aerwjdu sdahdsu 123422313
will someone please help me with this?