Good evening,
So, I want my snakePosX to be equal to width/2 and snakePosY to be equal to height/2. There is a bug in my code making my snakePosX and snakePosY equal to 50.
I just want my snake to start in the middle of the canvas and be the size of three ellipses. I am pulling my hair out lol… Everything else seems to work so far. I am still working on the end game options, but I think I have a plan for those.
Is my call for help clear enough??
int growth = 3; //this variable will help the snake grow as it captures the food, it will also effect the initial length of the snake
int snakeSpeed = 1; //how fast the snake moves
final int SNAKE_SIZE = 15; //the snake is made up of ellipses, this variable determines the size of each ellipse
final int SNAKE_LENGTH = SNAKE_SIZE*growth; //initial snake length will be three ellipses based off of SNAKE_SIZE
int snakePosX = width/2; //the starting X position for the snake
int snakePosY = height/2; //the starting Y position for the snake
float tgtX = random(0, 500); //this will assign the food a randomw position
float tgtY = random(0, 500); //this will assign the food a randomw position
int tgtSize = 15; //the food size should match the snake size
boolean hit = false; //controls hit detection logic for when the snake hits the food
int totalHits = 0; //the game will start at 0 points and in increase by 1 with each food catpure
final int MAX_HITS =5; //the player wins the game if they catch the food 5 times
boolean borderHit = false; //the game will be over if the snake hits the wall
String restart = “RESTART”;
String exit = “EXIT”;
//the following boolean variables will control the movement of the snake, this seemed to be the easiest way to do this
boolean moveUp = false;
boolean moveDown = false;
boolean moveRight = false;
boolean moveLeft = false;
//variables for the end game option box sizes and locations
int endGameBoxSize = 100;
int endGameBoxX = 250;
int endGameBoxY = 150;
void setup()
size(500, 500); // set the canvas to 500 pixels as per the instructions
rectMode(CENTER); //I prefer drawing rectangles in this mode
strokeWeight(5); //thicker lines make the game look more fun
textAlign(CENTER); //this is my preferred method for using text
void draw()
background(200); //clear the background each frame
moveSnake(color(246, 255, 0)); //draw the snake at the the centre of the canvas
checkIfKeyPressed(); //up,down,left,right for controlling the snake
drawTarget (color(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255))); //the flashing food on the canvas for the snake to eat
checkIfHitTarget(); //score increases by 1 each time the snake gets the food
checkIfBorderHit(); //game over if the snake hits the wall
displayExitOptions(color(255)); //end game options “EXIT” & “RESET”
//println(width/2); //de-bugging
void moveSnake(int snakeColor) //this function will draw the snake at its starting position
fill(snakeColor); //the snake should be a different colour from the target
ellipse(snakePosX, snakePosY, SNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE);
for (int iX = 0; iX < growth; iX++)
if (moveRight) //contonal statemtents for right and left movement
ellipse(snakePosX - iXSNAKE_SIZE, snakePosY, SNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE);
} else if (moveLeft)
ellipse(snakePosX + iXSNAKE_SIZE, snakePosY, SNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE);
for (int iY = 0; iY < growth; iY++) //contonal statemtents for up and down movement
if (moveUp)
ellipse(snakePosX, snakePosY + iYSNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE);
} else if (moveDown)
ellipse(snakePosX, snakePosY - iYSNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE, SNAKE_SIZE);
void checkIfKeyPressed() //assigns keyboad inputs to move the snakke
if (keyCode == UP) //move the snake up with up arrow
snakePosY-=snakeSpeed; //increment up
moveLeft= false;
moveDown= false;
moveRight = false;
} else if (keyCode == DOWN) //move the snake down with down arrow
snakePosY+=snakeSpeed; //increment down
moveLeft= false;
moveUp= false;
moveRight = false;
} else if (keyCode == LEFT) //move the snake left with left arrow
snakePosX-=snakeSpeed; //increment left
moveLeft= true;
moveDown= false;
moveRight = false;
} else if (keyCode == RIGHT) //move the snake right with right arrow
snakePosX+=snakeSpeed; //increment right
moveLeft= false;
moveDown= false;
moveRight = true;
void drawTarget(int tgtColor) //simple function to draw the food at a random location
fill(tgtColor); //the food should be a different colour from the snake
ellipse(tgtX, tgtY, tgtSize, tgtSize); //the food
void checkIfBorderHit() //this determines if the snake hits the borders
// if the snake crashes into the walls it will end the game
if (snakePosX<0+SNAKE_SIZE/2 || snakePosX>500-SNAKE_SIZE/2 || snakePosY<0+SNAKE_SIZE/2 || snakePosY>500-SNAKE_SIZE/2 )
borderHit = true;
void checkIfHitTarget() //this function check to see if the snake has eaten the snake
if (dist(snakePosX, snakePosY, tgtX, tgtY)<=tgtSize-5) //-5 for better hit detection and playability
tgtX = random(0+tgtSize/2, 500-tgtSize/2); //the food will jump to a random locaion each time it is hit by the snake
tgtY = random(0+tgtSize/2, 500-tgtSize/2);
hit = true;
if (hit)
totalHits += 1;
hit=!hit; //reset the boolean
growth++; //increase the size of the snake as it eats the food (target)
void displayExitOptions(int endgameBoxColor) //this function runs at the end of the game
if (totalHits==MAX_HITS || borderHit) //if the total hits match the maximum amount of hits allowed run this code
rect(endGameBoxX, endGameBoxY, endGameBoxSize, endGameBoxSize-50); //game over box “RESTART”
text(restart, 250, 150);
rect(endGameBoxX, endGameBoxY+200, endGameBoxSize, endGameBoxSize-50); //game over box "EXIT"
text(exit, 250, 350);
snakePosX = 250; //return snake to middle of canvas at game over
snakePosY = 200;
// this if condtion will determing if the mouse is pressed in the restart box and restart the
if ((mouseX >endGameBoxX-endGameBoxSize/2)&&(mouseX<endGameBoxX+endGameBoxSize/2)&&
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