Problem with saving PImage with transparency

Hi, i have written this little program to cut a spritesheet for me, but it doesn’t work with transparency. Anybody know a fix?

PImage sheet = loadImage("dirtTiles.png");
PImage[] tiles = new PImage[25];
int s = 16;

background(200, 100, 100);

String tileName = "dirt";
size(80, 80);


int index = 0;

for(int x = 0; x < sheet.width; x += s){
  for(int y = 0; y < sheet.height; y += s){
    PImage cTile = createImage(s, s, RGB);
    for(int xt = 0; xt < s; xt++){
      for(int yt = 0; yt < s; yt++){
         int sheetindex = x + xt + (y + yt) * sheet.width;
         int tileindex = xt + yt * s;
           cTile.pixels[tileindex] = sheet.pixels[sheetindex];
    tiles[index] = cTile;

for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
    tiles[i].save(tileName + str(i));

besides that the array length missmatch,
the used filename causes to save a *.tif file,
you could try as *.png ??

    tiles[i].save("data/"+tileName +"_"+ str(i)+ ".png");

Thanks, but the transparency is still not perserved. It is replaced with black pixels.

EDIT: Idk if i was clear enough. The program works fine, the problem is that the the transparent pixels is the image “sheet” isn’t perserved in the output tiles.

ARGB instead RGB ???

That did it, thank you!