I’m trying to create a 3D pong game in pocessing and one of my paddles is supposed to move with the mouse, but instead of just that paddle moving woth the mouse everything is. I pasted my code down below. Any help would be apreciated.
from p1 import Paddle1
from p2 import p2
from ball import Ball
def setup():
#1. set the size of your screen
size(800, 600, P3D)
global img
#2. load an image, store it in img, and resize it to the size of your screen\
img = loadImage("box.img.jpg")
img.resize(800, 600)
global p1
#3. make a paddle on the left side of the screen and store it in p1
p1 = Paddle1((50, 50), 20, 100, 50, 50, "p1")
global p2
#4. make a paddle on the left side of the screen and store it in p2
p2 = p2((50, 50), 20, 100, 50, 700, "p2")
global ball
#5. make a Ball that starts at the center of your screen and store it in ball.
# Also pass in the paddles!!
ball = Ball(400, 300, 25, 25, 12.5, p1, p2)
global score1
#6a. Store an integer 0 in score1
score1 = 0
global score2
#6b. Store an integer 0 in score2
score2 = 0
def draw():
global p1, p2, ball, score1, score2, img
#7. call update() for p1, p2, ball
#8. call updateScore()
textAlign(LEFT, TOP)
fill(255, 255, 255)
#9. copy the following line but replace score1 with score2, and move the x/y
# coords to the right side of your screen
text(str(score1), 25, 0)
text(str(score2), 750, 0)
#10. Use if-statements and check the location of p1 and mouseY so that the paddle
# will move up if the mouse is above it, and will move down if the mouse is below it
def mouseMoved():
if p1.y >= mouseY:
elif p1.y <= mouseY:
def keyPressed():
#11. Use if-statements and check if keyCode is UP or if the keyCode is DOWN so that p2
# will move up if UP is pressed, and p2 will move down if DOWN is pressed
if keyCode == UP:
elif keyCode == DOWN:
#updateScore: checks if the score needs to be updated. If it does, update it accordingly and
reset the ball to the middle of the screen
#input: none
#output: none
def updateScore():
global ball, score1, score2
#12. write a if-statement that will check the location of the ball. If it touches/moves
# past the left edge of the screen, update score2. If it touches/moves past the right
# side of the screen, update score1 accordingly
# if the ball touches EITHER edge, call: ball.reset(width / 2, height / 2)
if ball.ballLeft() <= 0 or ball.ballRight() >= width:
if ball.ballLeft() <= 0:
score2 += 1
elif ball.ballRight() >= width:
score1 += 1
ball.reset(width / 2, height / 2)
#A class for a ball in pong
import collisionDetection as cd
class Ball:
#__init__: creates a ball
# input: x, the starting x-coordinate of the ball
# y, the starting y-coordinate of the ball
# w, the starting width of the ball
# h, the starting height of the ball
# leftPaddle, the paddle on the left
# rightPaddle, the paddle on the right
def __init__ (self, x, y, w, h, r, leftPaddle, rightPaddle):
#1. store all of the inputs in instance variables!
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.r = r
self.w = w
self.h = h
self.leftPaddle = leftPaddle
self.rightPaddle = rightPaddle
#Initialize the change of x and y coordinates at the beginning of the game
self.dx = 2
self.dy = 2
#ballRight: helper method for returning the x coordinate of right edge of the ball
#input: none
#output: the x-coordinate of the right edge of the ball
def ballRight(self):
#2. write this function
return self.x + (self.w / 2)
#ballLeft: helper method for returning the x coordinate of left edge of the ball
#input: none
#output: the x-coordinate of the left edge of the ball
def ballLeft(self):
#3. write this function
return self.x - (self.w / 2)
#ballUpY: helper method for returning the y coordnate of the upper edge of the ball
#input: none
#output: the y-coordinate of the upper edge of the ball
def ballUpY(self):
#4. write this function
return self.y - (self.h / 2)
#ballDownY: helper method for returning the y coordnate of the lower edge of the ball
#input: none
#output: the y-coordinate of the lower edge of the ball
def ballDownY(self):
#5. write this function
return self.y + (self.h / 2)
#isTouchingEdge: checks if the ball is touching either of the vertical edges
#input: none
#output: True if the ball is touching the upper or lower edge, false otherwise
def isTouchingEdge(self):
#6. write this function
if self.ballDownY() >= 600:
return True
elif self.ballUpY() <= 0:
return True
return False
#update: Called on draw. Draws the ball object on the screen and moves it
#input: none
#output: none
def update(self):
noFill() #change this color to change the color of your ball!
self.y += self.dy
self.x += self.dx
translate(self.x, self.y, 0)
touchingPaddleMTV = self.isTouchingPaddle()
if touchingPaddleMTV != None:
self.dx = -(self.dx)
self.x -= touchingPaddleMTV[0]
self.y -= touchingPaddleMTV[1]
if self.isTouchingEdge():
self.dy = -(self.dy)
#7. be able to explain this logic to a coordinator
# sign up on the TA list and do so!
translate(self.x, self.y, 0)
#8 write getters for x, y, width, and height!
def getX(self):
return self.x
def getY(self):
return self.y
def getWidth(self):
return self.w
def getRadius(self):
return self.r
#randomNum: returns a random number between either (-1, -3) or (1, 3)
#input: none
#output: returns a random number between either (-1, -3) or (1, 3)
def randomNum(self):
num = random(1, 3)
isNegative = int(random(1) * 2)
if isNegative == 0:
num *= (-1)
return num
#reset: moves the ball back to the given location and re-generates ball movement
#input: x, the x-coordinate to move the ball to
# y, the y-coordinate to move the ball to
#output: none
def reset(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.dx = self.randomNum()
self.dy = self.randomNum()
#isTouchingPaddle: check if the ball is touching a paddle
#input: none
#output: the MTV to move if the ball is touching a paddle. Otherwise, None
def isTouchingPaddle(self):
leftPaddleMTV = cd.collideBallPaddle(self, self.leftPaddle)
rightPaddleMTB = cd.collideBallPaddle(self, self.rightPaddle)
if leftPaddleMTV != None:
return leftPaddleMTV
return rightPaddleMTB
import math
#check if ball and paddle are colliding
def collideBallPaddle(b, p):
rPos = [p.getX(), p.getY()]
rSize = [p.getWidth(), p.getHeight()]
center = [b.getX(), b.getY()]
#'clamp' to rectangle coords
x = max(rPos[0], min(rPos[0] + rSize[0], center[0]))
y = max(rPos[1], min(rPos[1] + rSize[1], center[1]))
clampedPoint = [x, y]
if isInBoundsBall(b, clampedPoint): #if the center of the ball is in the paddle
if isInBoundsPaddle(p, center):
print "center of ball is in paddle"
rightEdgeDist = rSize[0] + rPos[0] - center[0]
leftEdgeDist = center[0] - rPos[0]
topEdgeDist = center[1] - rPos[1]
bottomEdgeDist = rSize[1] + rPos[1] - center[1]
smallest = min(topEdgeDist, min(bottomEdgeDist, min(leftEdgeDist, rightEdgeDist)))
rad = b.getWidth() / 2
if smallest == topEdgeDist:
return [0, topEdgeDist + rad]
elif smallest == bottomEdgeDist:
return [0, (-1) * bottomEdgeDist - rad]
elif smallest == rightEdgeDist:
return [(-1)*rightEdgeDist - rad, 0]
elif smallest == leftEdgeDist:
return [leftEdgeDist + rad, 0]
else: # center not in paddle
mtvLength = (b.getWidth() / 2) - getDistance(center, clampedPoint)
connectingV = getDistanceVector(clampedPoint, center)
scalar = sqrt((mtvLength*mtvLength)/(
(connectingV[0]*connectingV[0]) + (connectingV[1]*connectingV[1])))
mtv = smult(connectingV, scalar)
if mtv[0] == 0 and mtv[1] == 0:
return None
return mtv
return None
def isInBoundsBall(ball, p):
c = [ball.getX(), ball.getY()]
distance = (p[0] - c[0]) * (p[0] - c[0]) + (p[1] - c[1]) * (p[1] - c[1])
radius = ball.getWidth() / 2
return distance <= radius * radius
def isInBoundsPaddle(paddle, p):
x = paddle.getX()
y = paddle.getY()
w = paddle.getWidth()
h = paddle.getHeight()
return (p[0] >= x and p[0] <= x + w and
p[1] >= y and p[1] <= y + h)
def getDistanceVector(a, b):
distanceX = a[0] - b[0]
distanceY = a[1] - b[1]
return [distanceX, distanceY]
def getDistance(a, b):
distanceX = (a[0] - b[0])(a[0] - b[0])
distanceY = (a[1] - b[1])(a[1] - b[1])
return sqrt(distanceX + distanceY)
def smult(v, s):
return [v[0]*s, v[1]*s]
import collisionDetection as cd
global y
#a class for a Pong paddle that can move up and down
class Paddle1:
#__init__: creates a paddle
# input: x, the starting x-coordinate of the paddle
def __init__(self, size, w, h, d, x, name):
self.w = 20
self.h = 100
self.d = 60
self.size = size
self.x = 50
self.y = height / 2
self.name = name
#moveUp: moves the paddle up by a given amount. Will stop the paddle
# from going off the edge of the screen
#input: amt, the amount to move up by
def moveUp(self, amt):
#1. write this function!
if self.y - amt >= 0:
self.y -= amt
print "the new y loc of " + self.name + " is " + str(self.y)
#moveDown: moves the paddle down by a given amount. Will stop the paddle
# from going off the edge of the screen
#input: amt, the amount to move down by
def moveDown(self, amt):
#2. write this function!
if self.y + amt + self.h <= 600:
self.y += amt
#3. Write getters (see help slides) for y, x, width, and height
def getX(self):
return self.x
def getY(self):
return self.y
def getWidth(self):
return self.w
def getHeight(self):
return self.h
def getDepth(self):
return self.d
# def getMouse(self):
# return mouseY
#update: Called on draw. Draws the paddle object on the screen
#input: none
#output: none
def update(self):
#change this color to change the color of your paddle!
translate(self.x, self.y, 0)
box(self.w, self.h, self.d)
import collisionDetection as cd
#a class for a Pong paddle that can move up and down
class p2:
#__init__: creates a paddle
# input: x, the starting x-coordinate of the paddle
def __init__(self, size, w, h, d, x, name):
self.w = 20
self.h = 100
self.d = 60
self.size = size
self.x = 700
self.y = height / 2
self.name = name
#moveUp: moves the paddle up by a given amount. Will stop the paddle
# from going off the edge of the screen
#input: amt, the amount to move up by
def moveUp(self, amt):
#1. write this function!
if self.y - amt >= 0:
self.y -= amt
print "the new y loc of " + self.name + " is " + str(self.y)
#moveDown: moves the paddle down by a given amount. Will stop the paddle
# from going off the edge of the screen
#input: amt, the amount to move down by
def moveDown(self, amt):
#2. write this function!
if self.y + amt + self.h <= 600:
self.y += amt
#3. Write getters (see help slides) for y, x, width, and height
def getX(self):
return self.x
def getY(self):
return self.y
def getWidth(self):
return self.w
def getHeight(self):
return self.h
def getDepth(self):
return self.d
# def getMouse(self):
# return mouseY
#update: Called on draw. Draws the paddle object on the screen
#input: none
#output: none
def update(self):
noFill() #change this color to change the color of your paddle!
translate(self.x, self.y, 0)
box(self.w, self.h, self.d)