Porting Shadertoy Code to p5.js Shaders but missing colors

I ported a shader into my p5.js document from shadertoy, following the instruction of p5 references(https://itp-xstory.github.io/p5js-shaders/#/./docs/examples/shadertoy), and it works but the color of the shader is missing. Here is my work:

Here is the original work from shadertoy:

There might be sth. wrong in this file below, but I’m not very familiar with WebGL. Why it shows only black and white?

#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

uniform vec2 iResolution;
uniform int iFrame;
uniform vec2 iMouse;
uniform float iTime;

// noise from https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4sc3z2
vec3 hash33(vec3 p3)
	p3 = fract(p3 * vec3(.1031,.11369,.13787));
    p3 += dot(p3, p3.yxz+19.19);
    return -1.0 + 2.0 * fract(vec3(p3.x+p3.y, p3.x+p3.z, p3.y+p3.z)*p3.zyx);
float snoise3(vec3 p)
    const float K1 = 0.333333333;
    const float K2 = 0.166666667;
    vec3 i = floor(p + (p.x + p.y + p.z) * K1);
    vec3 d0 = p - (i - (i.x + i.y + i.z) * K2);
    vec3 e = step(vec3(0.0), d0 - d0.yzx);
	vec3 i1 = e * (1.0 - e.zxy);
	vec3 i2 = 1.0 - e.zxy * (1.0 - e);
    vec3 d1 = d0 - (i1 - K2);
    vec3 d2 = d0 - (i2 - K1);
    vec3 d3 = d0 - 0.5;
    vec4 h = max(0.6 - vec4(dot(d0, d0), dot(d1, d1), dot(d2, d2), dot(d3, d3)), 0.0);
    vec4 n = h * h * h * h * vec4(dot(d0, hash33(i)), dot(d1, hash33(i + i1)), dot(d2, hash33(i + i2)), dot(d3, hash33(i + 1.0)));
    return dot(vec4(31.316), n);

vec4 extractAlpha(vec3 colorIn)
    vec4 colorOut;
    float maxValue = min(max(max(colorIn.r, colorIn.g), colorIn.b), 1.0);
    if (maxValue > 1e-5)
        colorOut.rgb = colorIn.rgb * (1.0 / maxValue);
        colorOut.a = maxValue;
        colorOut = vec4(0.0);
    return colorOut;

#define BG_COLOR (vec3(sin(iTime)*0.5+0.5) * 0.0 + vec3(0.0))
#define time iTime
const vec3 color1 = vec3(0.611765, 0.262745, 0.996078);
const vec3 color2 = vec3(0.298039, 0.760784, 0.913725);
const vec3 color3 = vec3(0.062745, 0.078431, 0.600000);
const float innerRadius = 0.6;
const float noiseScale = 0.65;

float light1(float intensity, float attenuation, float dist)
    return intensity / (1.0 + dist * attenuation);
float light2(float intensity, float attenuation, float dist)
    return intensity / (1.0 + dist * dist * attenuation);

void draw( out vec4 _FragColor, in vec2 vUv )
    vec2 uv = vUv;
    float ang = atan(uv.y, uv.x);
    float len = length(uv);
    float v0, v1, v2, v3, cl;
    float r0, d0, n0;
    float r, d;
    // ring
    n0 = snoise3( vec3(uv * noiseScale, time * 0.5) ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
    r0 = mix(mix(innerRadius, 1.0, 0.4), mix(innerRadius, 1.0, 0.6), n0);
    d0 = distance(uv, r0 / len * uv);
    v0 = light1(1.0, 10.0, d0);
    v0 *= smoothstep(r0 * 1.05, r0, len);
    cl = cos(ang + time * 2.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
    // high light
    float a = time * -1.0;
    vec2 pos = vec2(cos(a), sin(a)) * r0;
    d = distance(uv, pos);
    v1 = light2(1.5, 5.0, d);
    v1 *= light1(1.0, 50.0 , d0);
    // back decay
    v2 = smoothstep(1.0, mix(innerRadius, 1.0, n0 * 0.5), len);
    // hole
    v3 = smoothstep(1.0, mix(innerRadius, 1.0, n0 * 0.5), len);
    // color
    vec3 c = mix(color1, color2, cl);
    vec3 col = mix(color1, color2, cl);
    col = mix(color3, col, v0);
    col = (col + v1) * v2 * v3;
    col.rgb = clamp(col.rgb, 0.0, 1.0);
    //gl_FragColor = extractAlpha(col);
    gl_FragColor = extractAlpha(col);

void main()
    vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-iResolution.xy)/iResolution.y;
    vec4 col;
    draw(col, uv);

    vec3 bg = BG_COLOR;

    gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(bg, col.rgb, col.a); //normal blend