Please Help: Image Creation

Hello Everyone!

I am struggling to figure out a way to recreate this posterized image in processing using shapes for my processing class. the assignment is to create a portrait using shapes and I created this SVG in photoshop and illustrator and i designed it to be fairly simple so that the code would not be too complicated. I found a way to convert it into HTML and was hoping maybe theres a way to convert that to the processing shapes. Or I was hoping there was some plugin or way to convert a vector into shapes. Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance :slight_smile: attached are the html and image that i am trying to convert


Hello @chipadelic,

I saved the data you provided as a file with an SVG extension.

An SVG is already a shape and it can be displayed.

The PShape reference shows the methods that can operate on the shape data.

See these resources:

The image you provided consists of 239 child shapes that make up the SVG to form the face.

Animated GIF to show the child shapes layering on top of each other to create the final shape:


Is it Gal Gadot?
