Thank you very much for your reply! I am working on processing and haven’t changed the code much. It is quite long and I am thinking maybe it’s a little complicated for me to figure out how to get different fluid objects to interact.
But pixelflow seems very promising! If you have any suggestions on how I would go about changing colors in there it would be amazing. I have added another fluid object but can’t figure out how to get the color to change.
// fluid simulation
DwFluid2D fluid;
DwFluid2D fluid2;
// render target
PGraphics2D pg_fluid;
public void setup() {
size(800, 800, P2D);
// library context
DwPixelFlow context = new DwPixelFlow(this);
// fluid simulation
fluid = new DwFluid2D(context, width, height, 1);
fluid2 = new DwFluid2D(context, width, height, 1);
// some fluid parameters
fluid.param.dissipation_velocity = 0.70f;
fluid.param.dissipation_density = 0.99f;
fluid2.param.dissipation_velocity = 0.70f;
fluid2.param.dissipation_density = 0.99f;
// adding data to the fluid simulation
fluid.addCallback_FluiData(new DwFluid2D.FluidData() {
public void update(DwFluid2D fluid) {
if (mousePressed) {
float px = mouseX;
float py = height-mouseY;
float vx = (mouseX - pmouseX) * +15;
float vy = (mouseY - pmouseY) * -15;
fluid.addVelocity(px, py, 14, vx, vy);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 20, 0.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 8, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
fluid2.addCallback_FluiData(new DwFluid2D.FluidData() {
public void update(DwFluid2D fluid2) {
if (keyPressed) {
float px = mouseX;
float py = height-mouseY;
float vx = (mouseX - pmouseX) * +15;
float vy = (mouseY - pmouseY) * -15;
fluid.addVelocity(px, py, 14, vx, vy);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 20, 0.0f, 0.4f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
fluid.addDensity (px, py, 8, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
pg_fluid = (PGraphics2D) createGraphics(width, height, P2D);
public void draw() {
// update simulation
// clear render target
// render fluid stuff
fluid.renderFluidTextures(pg_fluid, 0);
fluid2.renderFluidTextures(pg_fluid, 0);
// display
image(pg_fluid, 0, 0);
I can see it was sort of implemented in this example but I am having a hard time figuring out how:
Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks so much!