Player() class flies itself into the void on run

Im working on creating movable players and wall collisions for my maze game, but whenever I run the code my player model instantly flies itself upwards. I know it’s something within my collision function, but I’ve looked through it meticulously and I can’t seem to understand why.

class Wall{
 float x;
 float y;
 float w;
 float h;
 int c;
 Wall(float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh){
   x = sx;
   y = sy;
   w = sw;
   h = sh;
   c = color(#205415);
  void display(){
Wall [] walls;
class Player{
  float x;
  float y;
  float diameter;
  float speed;
  int c;

  Player(float tempx,float tempy){//Constructor
    c = color(#800080);
    speed = 7;
    tempx = 120;
    tempy = 10;
  void display(){//Display 
  float left(){
  return x-diameter/2;
  float right(){
  return x+diameter/2;
  float top(){
  return y-diameter/2;
  float bottom(){
  return y+diameter/2;
//Global Definition
Player player;
void setup(){
  player = new Player(width/2,height/2);
  walls = new Wall[5];
  walls[0] = new Wall(0,160,404,20);
  walls[1] = new Wall(484,160,600,20);
  walls[2] = new Wall(384,160,20,406);
  walls[3] = new Wall(484,160,20,240);
  walls[4] = new Wall(542,320,160,240); 
}//end Setup
void draw(){
  for (int i=0;i < walls.length; i++) {
    playerWallCollide(player, walls[i]);
}//End Draw

void playerWallCollide(Player r1, Wall r2) {
  //What is the distance of the player to the wall on the X axis
  float distX = ((r1.x+r1.diameter/2)-(r2.x+r2.h/2));
  //What is the distance of the player to the wall on the Y axis
  float distY = ((r1.y+r1.diameter/2)-(r2.y+r2.h/2));
  //What are the combined half widths
  float combinedHalfWidths = r1.diameter/2+r2.w/2;
  //What are the combined half heights
  float combinedHalfHeights = r1.diameter/2+r2.h/2;
  if (abs(distX) < combinedHalfWidths||abs(distY) < combinedHalfHeights) {
      float overlapX = combinedHalfWidths - abs(distX);
      float overlapY = combinedHalfHeights - abs(distY);
      if (overlapX >= overlapY){
        //correct y overlaps
        if (distY < 0){
          print("Player top inside wall");
          //player top is inside wall
          r1.y += overlapY;
          print("Player bottom inside wall");
          //player bottom is inside wall
          r1.y = r1.y - overlapY;
        //correct x overlaps
         if (distX < 0){
           //player left side is inside wall
           r1.x += overlapX;
        //player right side is inside wall
        r1.x -= overlapX;
    }//End correct X overlaps
 }//End Combined Half Widths/Heights
}//End player wall collide

void keyPressed(){
if (key == 'w' && > 0){
player.y = player.y-player.speed;
else if (key == 's' && player.bottom() < height){
player.y = player.y+player.speed;
else if (key == 'a' && player.left() > 0){
player.x = player.x-player.speed;
else if (key == 'd' && player.right() < width){
player.x = player.x+player.speed;

First, in draw(), you are missing the () on your call to walls[i].display().

In playerWallCollide(), use println() instead of print() so that we can read the messages without them all running together on one line.

The message we get when we run with your initial settings says “Player top inside wall” which then adds overlapY to the player’s y position. Given that the y value goes increasingly negative, I assume that overlapY must be a negative value. If I switch the line to r1.y = r1.y - overlapY;, the program runs better and I can then use the asdw keys to move around. It blows up again if the player moves down, so perhaps it has a similar problem with the bottom overlap.

Processing has ellipseMode( RADIUS ) and rectMode( RADIUS ). Store your walls and player as center point and radiuses and use those functions to avoid all of those /2 everywhere. Then pay close attention to whether the amounts you’re adding or subtracting are positive or negative.