I have 16 images in the array repeated 4 times each and I can put them in an 8x8 board without problems. The magic is from anchnk in this link.
I dont understand how but I suppose the expression that makes it possible is at the end of for loop
When I’ve tried to mess up the imageArray with kaos IntList, the system told me OutOfBounds, of course: there are only 16 images, not 64, but How could i do this? .
my purpose is the typical game of memory, what I get is too tidy:
wuau!!! qué bueno!, It’s math, not magic! Thank you quark
Then, I keep the noLoop();
Maybe I could mess it up before the 8 x8, in portions of 16?
It doesn’t make sense, does it? the frequency would repeat itself, right?
Is it possible to attribute 4 different index to the same image? It’s not possible, is it?
a kind of treatment, an agreement…
The solution is to create a grid array of images in setup and then simply draw them like this
int boxsize;
int margin;
int col;
int row;
int count, num;
IntList kosmos, kaos;
PImage[] imageArray;
PImage[] gridArray;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
imageArray = new PImage[16];
num= 8;
if (width >= height) {
boxsize= height/num;
} else {
boxsize= width/num;
//Load Images in Memory
for (int i= 0; i < imageArray.length; i++) {
imageArray[i] = loadImage("imageArray"+(i)+".png");
// Create grid array of images using the ones loaded
gridArray = createRandomGrid(imageArray, num * num);
margin = 10;
count = 0;
// noLoop();
void draw() {
int center=margin/2;
count = 0;
for (int x=0; x < num; x++) {
for (int y=0; y < num; y++) {
image(gridArray[count], center+(x*boxsize)-1, center+(y*boxsize)-1, boxsize-margin, boxsize-margin);
Create a PImage array filled with a number of images in a random position.
An image can appear more than once
PImage[] createRandomGrid(PImage[] image_array, int nbrPositions) {
IntList list = new IntList();
int imageIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbrPositions; i++) {
imageIdx = (imageIdx + 1) % image_array.length;
// Now shuffle them
// Now create the grid array
PImage[] grid = new PImage[nbrPositions];
for (int i = 0; i < nbrPositions; i++) {
grid[i] = image_array[list.get(i)];
return grid;
BTW I don’t have the images so although the code is correct on syntax it might not do exactly what you want