PGS interpolate need holeless polygon - what it is?

I’m trying to interpolate between two PShape loaded from SVG.
I’ve got this error message :

morph() accepts holeless single polygons only (for now).

I created the svg with inkscape, here’s the files, where is the bug ?

import micycle.pgs.*;
PShape sh, go, goal;
void setup() {
 size(640, 360, P3D);
 goal = createShape();
 sh = loadShape("one.svg");
 go = loadShape("two.svg");
void draw() {
 goal = PGS_Morphology. interpolate(sh, go, 0.1);
 shape(goal, 0, 0);

And one of svg :

<svg width="60.2mm" height="48.1mm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 60.2 48.1" xmlns="">
 <g transform="translate(-11.7 -10.2)" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width=".265px">
  <path d="m30.6 17.1 12.1-6.71 14.7 11.3 14.5 1.43-0.283 35.1-42.4-1.52-13.2-17.4 13-11z"/>


accepts holeless single polygons only (for now).

Both PShapes need to be single shapes without any holes.

Ok, but do you know how to close the path of the svg file here ?
<path d="m30.6 17.1 12.1-6.71 14.7 11.3 14.5 1.43-0.283 35.1-42.4-1.52-13.2-17.4 13-11z"/>
This path have already a ‘z’ element.