PDF Export of paused animation is blank

I have sketch that generates some wavy lines, with onscreen control to adjust the parameters. Some of those controls allow you to redraw the lines constantly so you can se the changes live, or just redraw it once so you can see changes in a calmer way.

I added a button to export the screen as a PDF, using the example code from the standard library (https://processing.org/reference/libraries/pdf/) “Single Frame from an Animation (With Screen Display)”

The button works fine if the screen is animating, but if it’s paused, the PDF is blank? Is there a way of generating a PDF of what has just been drawn on the display?

Not sure how to attach code here, so my whole sketch is below (this is my first processing sketch so sorry if this is a mess)…


// onscreen controllers ---------------------------------------------
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
Slider slider_waveSpacing;
Slider slider_numberOfPoints;
Slider slider_peakHeight;
Slider slider_peakYRange;
Slider slider_xPositionRange;
Slider slider_CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal;
Slider slider_CalmOrChaosTrend;
Toggle toggle_stepThrough;
Toggle toggle_reDraw;

boolean reDraw = true;
boolean onlyDrawOneStep = false;

// PDF export  ----------------------------------------------------

import processing.pdf.*;
boolean record;

// shapes  --------------------------------------------------------

// float waveSpacing;  
float numberOfWaves = 50;
float numberOfPoints = 43; // number of peaks and troughs and crossovers, excluding end points // must be a float, so I can do division later

int startx = 300;
float currentXPosition = startx; // move the x position along as we plot the wave
int startYOriginal = 100; // need an original setting in case we want to redraw the screen
float starty = startYOriginal;

int waveWidth = 780;
float peakHeight;
float peakDepth;

volatile float keyPointDistance = int(waveWidth / numberOfPoints);    // a key point is a crossover, a peak or a trough. Has to be an int?
float waveSpacing = 12; // vertical distance between each line

// wave shape logic
boolean isRising = true; // is wave going up or down
boolean atACrossover = true; // is the current point on the wave an x crossover

// how much variation in each point
float peakYRange = 0.5; // adding y randomness
float xPositionRange = 5; // adding x randomness

// for sine wave shaped tapering of wave, and randomness
float currentXPositionAsProportionOfPi;
float sineEffect = 0.1; // how much to apply the sine shaping // unused

// to change wave extremity over each repetition
float CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal = 1;
float CalmOrChaosModifier = CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal; // how much calming to apply on each line. 0 starts with flat calm, 1 starts with defaults, higher than 1 amplifies
float CalmOrChaosTrend = -0.01; // how much to change the calming on each line. Negative numbers calm, until CalmOrChaosModifier gets below zero 

void setup(){

  size(1100, 800);
  // smooth(3);
  frameRate(30); // super slow refresh

  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
    slider_waveSpacing = cp5.addSlider("Wave Spacing");

    slider_numberOfPoints = cp5.addSlider("Number of points");
    slider_peakHeight = cp5.addSlider("Height");
    slider_peakYRange = cp5.addSlider("Height variation");
    slider_xPositionRange = cp5.addSlider("X position variation");

    slider_CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal= cp5.addSlider("Calm or chaos");

    slider_CalmOrChaosTrend = cp5.addSlider("Calm or chaos trend");

    // create a toggle
    toggle_reDraw = cp5.addToggle("reDraw");
    toggle_reDraw.setPosition(10,230).setSize(50,20).setValue(true).setLabel("Redraw continuously?");
    toggle_stepThrough = cp5.addToggle("stepThrough");
    toggle_stepThrough.setPosition(10,270).setSize(50,20).setValue(false).setLabel("Redraw once");
       .setSize(40, 40)

void draw() { 

  waveSpacing = (map(slider_waveSpacing.getValue(), 0, 100, 2, 60)); 
  numberOfWaves = (height - 200) / (waveSpacing);
  numberOfPoints =  int(map(slider_numberOfPoints.getValue(), 0, 100, 2, 100)); 
  keyPointDistance = int(waveWidth / numberOfPoints);
  peakHeight = slider_peakHeight.getValue() / 50;
  peakDepth = peakHeight;
  peakYRange = slider_peakYRange.getValue() / 50;
  xPositionRange = slider_xPositionRange.getValue() / 50;
  CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal = map(slider_CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal.getValue(), 0, 100, 0, 100);
  CalmOrChaosTrend = map(slider_CalmOrChaosTrend.getValue(), 0, 100, -1, 1) * (100 / numberOfWaves);
  if (toggle_stepThrough.getBooleanValue()) {
   background(203, 203, 190); 
   reDraw = true;
   onlyDrawOneStep = true;
  if (toggle_reDraw.getBooleanValue() && !onlyDrawOneStep) {
    background(203, 203, 190); 

  // if we're exporting the screen to PDF, start now
  if (record) {
    // Note that #### will be replaced with the frame number. Fancy!
    beginRecord(PDF, "frame-####.pdf"); 
    // onlyDrawOneStep = true;
   // background(203, 203, 190); 

  // noLoop();

  if (reDraw  || onlyDrawOneStep) { 
  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWaves; i = i+1) { // draw a series of waves
    // stroke(150); // draw guide lines
    // line(startx, starty, waveWidth+startx, starty);
    // first point
    curveVertex(currentXPosition, starty);
    curveVertex(currentXPosition, starty); 
    atACrossover = true;
    // loop through all intermediate points
    for (int points = 2; points <= numberOfPoints-1; points = points+1) { // point 1 and point[numberOfPoints] are drawn outside the loop
      // move the x position along to the next point
      // can't just increment it, otherwise the randomness also increments. Need to recalculate it each time
      // currentXPosition = currentXPosition + keyPointDistance;
      currentXPosition = startx + (keyPointDistance * points);
      currentXPositionAsProportionOfPi = (points / numberOfPoints) * PI;   // work out where we are in the total wave as a proportion of pi
      // println(currentXPositionAsProportionOfPi); 
      float randomnessModifier =  sin(currentXPositionAsProportionOfPi); // set the randomness modifier to that proportion, with calming effect

      // println(randomnessModifier); 
      // add some randomness
      float currentHeightModifier = randomnessModifier * random(1-peakYRange,1+peakYRange);
      currentXPosition = currentXPosition + (randomnessModifier * random(-xPositionRange,xPositionRange) * CalmOrChaosModifier) ;
      // Start wave logic
      if (atACrossover && isRising) {           // then we're at the crossover now and next point must be a peak
        // do stuff
        curveVertex(currentXPosition,  starty);  
        // finish this section by leaving the crossover
        atACrossover = false;
      } else if (!atACrossover && isRising) {   // then we're at a peak now, and next point must be a crossover heading down
        // do stuff
        curveVertex(currentXPosition,  starty - (peakHeight * currentHeightModifier * CalmOrChaosModifier) );
        // finish this section by setting the wave to falling and leaving the peak
        isRising = false; 
        atACrossover = true;      
      } else if (atACrossover && !isRising) {   // then we're at the crossover now and next point must be a trough
        // do stuff
        curveVertex(currentXPosition,  starty);  
        // finish this section by leaving the crossover
        atACrossover = false;  
      } else if (!atACrossover && !isRising) {   // then we're at a trough now and next point must be a crossover heading up
        // do stuff
        curveVertex(currentXPosition,  starty + (peakDepth * currentHeightModifier * CalmOrChaosModifier));  
        // finish this section by setting the wave to rising and leaving the trough
        isRising = true; 
        atACrossover = true;       
      } else {                                   // final error state
        println("Something has gone wrong in this wave");
      } // end wave logic  
      // ellipse(currentXPosition, starty, 2, 2);   // also draw a dot to help us see what's going on
      // println(currentXPosition);
    } // end if loop  
    // last point
    curveVertex(waveWidth+startx,  starty);    
    curveVertex(waveWidth+startx,  starty);
    //ellipse(waveWidth+startx, starty, 2, 2);   // also draw a dot to help us see what's going on

  // reset everything for the next line
  currentXPosition = startx; // reset x for the next line
  isRising = true; // reset the wave so it's rising
  starty = starty + waveSpacing; // move dowwn a line
  // apply the calming or chaos effect to the next line
  CalmOrChaosModifier = CalmOrChaosModifier + (CalmOrChaosTrend);

  // if we're exporting the screen to PDF, stop now
  if (record) {
    record = false;

  // if we're redrawing the screen, set variables back to their original setting.
  // delay(10);
  starty = startYOriginal;
  CalmOrChaosModifier = CalmOrChaosModifierOriginal;
  if (onlyDrawOneStep) {
   reDraw = false;
   onlyDrawOneStep = false;
 if (record) {
  record = false;

public void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {  
  if (theEvent.getController().getName().equals("ExportPDF")) {
  record = true;