How would I go about passing an array of images to a class? My endgame is to have one class that creates an animation, so when I create multiple instances of this class they build a 3x3 grid of animations with each instance playing a different animation. So, I want to pass a different array of images to each instance of my class.
I think I also need to know how to push multiple arrays into one array as well.
let imgs = [], const NUM_IMAGES = 13;
let myClass = [];
let arrayOfArrays = [];
function preload() {
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGES; i++) {
imgs[i] = loadImages('');
function setup() {
//something like this
for (let i = 0; i<6; i++) {
arrayOfArrays[i] = new Array(imgs);
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
let mc = new myClass(arrayOfArrays[i]); //<---?
function draw() {
myClass.forEach(panel => {;
class myClass {
constructor(_imgs) {
this.imgs = [_imgs]; //<---?
this.index = 0;
run() {
this.index = (this.index+1) % imgs.length;
Dunno exactly what you’re asking. But is it anything like this: ![:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:](
const IMAGES = 13, imgs = Array(IMAGES),
ANIMS = 2, anims = Array(ANIMS);
function setup() {
anims[0] = new Anim(imgs[2], imgs[3], imgs[1], imgs[4], imgs[10], imgs[0]);
anims[1] = new Anim(imgs[1], imgs[5], imgs[7], imgs[13], imgs[9], imgs[6]);
class Anim {
constructor(...imgs) {
this.imgs = imgs;
this.idx = 0;
display() {
image(this.imgs[this.idx], 0, 0);
this.idx = (this.idx + 1) % imgs.length;
Not sure, I just want to make a 2d array where each index in that array contains an array of images that I can pass to a class so each instance plays a different set of images.
I tried to rework my code example to better describe what I am trying to accomplish.
let imgs1 = [];
let imgs2 = [];
const NUM_IMAGES = 13;
let my2dArray = [];
let anim = [];;
function preload() {
for (let i = 0; i<NUM_IMAGES; i++) {
imgs1[i] = loadImages('');
for (let i = 0; i<NUM_IMAGES; i++) {
imgs2[i] = loadImages('');
function setup() {
my2dArray[0] = new Array(imgs1);//<---?
my2dArray[1] = new Array(imgs2);//<---?
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
let a = new Anim(my2dArray[i]);
class Anim {
constructor(_my2dArray) {
this.arr = _my2dArray; //<---?
this.index = 0;
run() {
this.index = (this.index+1) % NUM_IMAGES;
So I think I have my 2d array filling up properly, i logged it in draw() as well as this.arr and it seems to filled, but it’s obviously not being passed correctly or something bc I get …
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
const NUM_IMAGES = 13;
let my2dArr = [];
let anim = [];
function preload() {
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
my2dArr[i] = new Array();
for (let j = 0; j<NUM_IMAGES; j++) {
my2dArr[i][j] = loadImages('');
function setup() {
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
let a = new Anim(my2dArr[i]);
class Anim {
constructor(_my2dArr) {
this.arr = _my2dArr; //<---?
this.index = 0;
run() {
this.index = (this.index+1) % NUM_IMAGES;
I wasn’t necessarily posting it to be runnable … just descriptive.
I left loadImages blank since I can’t upload images here, and used 2dArray to be explicit in what I want.
difference in var name was a typo, all fixed now.
is what I am asking not being described well enough?
By quickly reading your sketch I can’t pinpoint what would cause undefined
for p5::width. ![:thinking: :thinking:](
As I understand, you’re now creating a 2D array w/ 6 rows and 13 columns.
Each 1D row array is a container of 13 loaded p5.Image objects.
For each instance of Anim a 1D row array is passed to its constructor.
That’s why an actual runnable code would be nice. ![:smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:](
Actually not all fixed! Within setup(): let a = new Anim(2dArr[i]);
![:space_invader: :space_invader:](
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lol … sry bout that last typo not being caught.
i uploaded it here …
yes, it sounds like you understand what i am going for.
basically in the end I want what would look like a 3x3 story board, each board playing a different animation.
my example only has enough images for one animated board … but i plan to upload more once I get the functionality down.
Hey! I’ve forked and made some changes to your sketch till I’ve got it working: ![:partying_face: :partying_face:](
// 2018-Nov-04
const FILENAME = 'zombie', EXT = '.png',
FPS = 12, BG = 50,
ANIMS = 1, IMAGES = 19,
imgs2d = Array(ANIMS), anims = Array(ANIMS);
let bg;
function preload() {
for (let row = 0; row < ANIMS; ++row) {
const imgs1d = imgs2d[row] = Array(IMAGES);
for (let col = 0; col < IMAGES; ++col) imgs1d[col] = loadImage(FILENAME + col + EXT);
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth * .95, windowHeight * .95);
bg = color(BG);
for (let i = 0; i < ANIMS; ++i) anims[i] = new Anim(imgs2d[i], width>>1, height>>1);
function draw() {
for (const anim of anims) anim.display().update();
class Anim {
constructor(arr1d, x, y) {
this.arr = arr1d;
this.idx = 0;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
display() {
image(this.arr[this.idx], this.x, this.y);
return this;
update() {
this.idx = (this.idx + 1) % this.arr.length;
return this;
Very nice … thank you so much!!!
I feel I understand mostly what is going on, doesn’t look like I was too far off, but can you explain what this is doing exactly, or give me a term to research? I feel I get it by looking, but would like a deeper understanding …
const imgs1d = imgs2d[row] = Array(IMAGES);
again thank you for your help.
Thanks, that makes sense the way you explained it.
@GoToLoop I see you forked my sketch … i went ahead and broke it down into 3 seperate arrays, but I still want to know how to have just one multidimensional array passing into my class so I can load any amount of panels with a different image sequence. ty.
That’s exactly what I’m trying to pull out right now. ![:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:](
This time you’ve got not 1 but 3 FILENAMES: ![:file_cabinet: :file_cabinet:](
const FILENAMES = [ 'carDefault_', 'carSedan_', 'carYellow_' ].
Therefore you’ve got ANIMS equal to 3: const ANIMS = FILENAMES.length;
That’s the approach I’m following right now. ![:construction_worker_man: :construction_worker_man:](
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Finished the fork. Here’s what I’ve ended up w/: ![:fork_and_knife: :fork_and_knife:](
// 2018-Nov-04
// Sprite created by
// Thanks to @GoToLoop for the help.
const FILENAMES = [ 'carDefault_', 'carSedan_', 'carYellow_' ], EXT = '.png',
FPS = 8, BG = 51, SIZE = .9,
ANIMS = FILENAMES.length, IMAGES = 12, COLS = 3,
imgs2d = Array(ANIMS), anims = Array(ANIMS);
let bg;
function preload() {
for (let row = 0; row < ANIMS; ++row) {
const imgs1d = imgs2d[row] = Array(IMAGES), filename = FILENAMES[row];
for (let col = 0; col < IMAGES; ++col) imgs1d[col] = loadImage(filename + col + EXT);
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth * SIZE | 0, windowHeight * SIZE | 0);
bg = color(BG);
function draw() {
for (const anim of anims);
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth * SIZE | 0, windowHeight * SIZE | 0);
console.log(width, height);
function createAnims() {
const w = width / COLS | 0, h = height >> 1, offW = w >> 1;
for (let i = 0; i < ANIMS; anims[i] = new Anim(imgs2d[i], ++i*w - offW, h));
function repositionAnims() {
const w = width / COLS | 0, h = height >> 1, offW = w >> 1;
for (let i = 0; i < ANIMS; anims[i].setXY(++i*w - offW, h));
class Anim {
constructor(arr1d, x, y) {
this.frames = arr1d;
this.idx = 0;
this.setXY(x, y);
setXY(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
display() {
image(this.frames[this.idx], this.x, this.y);
return this;
update() {
this.idx = (this.idx + 1) % this.frames.length;
return this;
run() {
return this.display().update();
Ahhh … I see. Thank you so much, totally makes sense how you are filling that array now. I greatly appreciate your help!
Can you explain what is going on here? I think this is a bitwise OR operator, which I kind of understand, but not so much in this use case.
| 0
is just a quick trick to truncate (remove the fractional part) the resultant value. ![:mage: :mage:](
Equivalent to: const w = int(width / COLS);
![:nerd_face: :nerd_face:](
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Addendum: All JS’ bitwise operators truncate their result and turn them into a 32bit signed value. ![:hocho: :hocho:](