Parent function not using overwritten array from child

I am coding an application and ran into an issue where I have created a function in the parent class that references an array also in the parent class. I then overwrite the array in a child class and run the parent function from the child class. I expected the function to use the overwritten array from the child class, but it seems to use the array from the parent class. I am rather confused by this, because this is how it works for simple data types like integers, but apparently not with objects?

Can anyone explain what is happening here and if I can make a workaround that doesn’t involve overwriting the function in every child class? Thank you in advance :blush:

class parrent {
  boolean[] array;

  boolean isArrayTrue(int index) {

class child1 extends parrent {
  boolean[] array = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true};

class child2 extends parrent {
  boolean[] array = {false, true, false, true, false, true, false};

class child3 extends parrent {
  boolean[] array = {false, true, true, false, true, true, false};

parrent[] children = {new child1(), new child2(), new child3()};

void setup() {
  for(parrent child : children){

#edit 1

I was wrong. I have tested with simple data types. It still uses the parent’s value. It just doesn’t throw an exception when I use simple data types that I haven’t assigned a value and just uses a standard value.

Then let me rephrase my question. Is there a way to make a parent function reference a variable that has been overwritten a by a child when called from the child object?

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You need to redefine your function in every chidren.

After there is something I don’t know in JAVA. In c++ when you store your child as a parrent (which you do with parrent[] children) you need to declare your function as virtual so it uses the children version of the function and not the parent version.

Not sure if that’s the case in JAVA.

EDIT: You don’t need the virtual keyword:,to%20provide%20the%20polymorphic%20behavior.

You’re not overriding but overshadowing the parent’s class field named array inside each of its child classes!

Overriding is for non-static methods only. Other types of class members become overshadowed instead.

So when subclassing take extra care not to accidentally re-declare inherited fields and static methods.

If you need so instead assign a value w/o re-declaring them.

// parent-function-not-using-overwritten-array-from-child/22796/3

// GoToLoop (2020/Jul/23)

final Parent[] children = { new Child1(), new Child2(), new Child3() };

void setup() {
  for (final Parent child : children)  println(child.isArrayTrue(4));

abstract class Parent {
  boolean[] array;

  boolean isArrayTrue(final int index) {
    return array[index];

  @Override String toString() {
    return java.util.Arrays.toString(array);

class Child1 extends Parent {
    array = new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true };

class Child2 extends Parent {
    array = new boolean[] { false, true, false, true, false, true, false };

class Child3 extends Parent {
    array = new boolean[] { false, true, true, false, true, true, false };

Thank you very much. This solved my problem. :ok_hand: