Hello guys and gals,
I’m trying to make something really weird and kinda stupid (ripple effect/rain drop effect). I’m trying to make a partial full array that can hold up to 1000 x & y cords pair. For me to do that I will need to make 2 parallel arrays. (bc x and y). On mouse click the mouseX and mouseY would be saved in the parallel arrays. Then another function will draw the circle from the stored x and y cord. I need help because I do not really understand parallel arrays. I for some reason just cannot wrap my head around how it works, I don’t know why.
This is kinda what I have but it feels kinda really wrong to me…
//Setting up an array list to collect instances of ripples as the size increases.
ArrayList <Ripple> ripples = new ArrayList<Ripple>();
color grey= color(92, 198, 234);
color green= color(52);
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
//classic frame rate for animations.
void draw() {
gradientRect(0, 0, width, height, blue, grey);
//as long as i is smaller than 'size', i increases- 'gets' more and more ripples
for (int i=0; i<ripples.size(); i++) {
Ripple rippleTemp = ripples.get(i);
for (int i=0; i<ripples.size(); i++) {
Ripple rippleTemp = ripples.get(i);
//calls upon a function to remove the ripples so that they're stored in the arraylist indefinitely, taking up space.
if (rippleTemp.finished) {
//a function for a box with different colours at different points, producing a gradient.
void gradientRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, color c1, color c2) {
//will define as 0,0, start.
vertex(x, y);
//distance from start across top, will be defined as width, so it's the other corner.
vertex(x+w, y);
//next two points are a different colour at the bottom.
//width across and length down from start, so bottom right corner.
vertex(x+w, y+h);
//length down from start, so bottom left corner.
vertex(x, y+h);
void mouseClicked(){
ripples.add(new Ripple(mouseX, mouseY, 2));
class Ripple {
float startX;
float startY;
//increases until 20, at which point, finished becomes true: determines the max size of the ripple, and when the ripples should disappear.
float size;
//boolean to state when it is finished, and the ripples are deleted from the array, as seen above.
boolean finished = false;
Ripple(float pstartX, float pstartY, float psize) {
//when ripple gets to size 20, finished will become true, and the ripples will be removed from the array list.
//So max size is 20 and then they disappear.
void showRipple() {
size += 26;
if (size>20) { //bigger the number the more circles there are
void ripple() {
ellipse(startX, startY, size, size);