I,m trying to change the value of vi using left&rigth arrows and the theta value with up&down arrows, but i don’t know exactlu how to do it.
The code is the following
// based on Projectile Simulation by Hugo Meiring
// Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
// https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/147483
Ball cannonball = new Ball(140, 0, 0, 20);
float time = 0;
boolean stop;
void setup() {
size(1400, 550);
fill(255, 90);
stop = false;
/*cannon = createShape();
cannon.fill(70, 70, 255);
cannon. */
void draw() {
if (stop != true) {
time += 0.01;
void displayData() {
int pos1 = 20;
int pos2 = 180;
int pos3 = 350;
int pos4 = 530;
int line1 = 20;
int line2 = 43;
int line3 = 66;
fill(255, 128, 0);
text("R(t) - Position", pos1, line1);
text("x: " + round(cannonball.getX()) + " m", pos1, line2);
text("y: " + round(cannonball.getY()) + " m", pos1, line3);
text("Projectile info", pos2, line1);
text("Vi = " + cannonball.getVi() + " m/s", pos2, line2);
text("Theta = " + cannonball.getTheta() + " °", pos2, line3);
text("Velocity info", pos3, line1);
text("Vx = " + round(cannonball.getVx()) + " m/s", pos3, line2);
text("Vy = " + round(cannonball.getVy()) + " m/s", pos3, line3);
text("Other data", pos4, line1);
text("Time = " + time + " s", pos4, line2);
fill(255, 90);
class Ball {
float vi, xi, yi;
float x;
float y;
float theta;
float time;
Ball(float _vi, float _xi, float _yi, float _theta){
vi = _vi;
xi = _xi;
yi = _yi;
theta = _theta;
void update(float t){
if (x >= 0 && x <= width && y >= 0 && y <= height) {
int radius = 200;
x = vi * t * cos(radians(theta));
y = vi * t * sin(radians(theta)) - 4.9 * pow(t, 2);
ellipse(x + xi, mY(y + yi), 13, 13);
time = t;
else { stop = true; }
float getVx() {
return vi * cos(radians(theta));
float getVy() {
return vi * sin(radians(theta)) - 9.8 * time;
float getX () { return x; }
float getY () { return y; }
float getVi () { return vi; }
float getTheta() { return theta; }
float getXi () { return xi; }
float getYi () { return yi; }
float mX (float _value) {
return map(_value, 0, width, width, 0);
float mY (float _value) {
return map(_value, 0, height, height, 0);
My intention is replace
Ball cannonball = new Ball(140, 0, 0, 20);
Ball cannonball = new Ball(vi, 0, 0, theta);
changed with the arrow keys
I’m a beginner and I have some difficulties.
Thanks a lot