I have integrated smooth scroller and p5 js in my website. It is working fine in other browsers except in safari. The scroll is stucked in safari browser and I am unable to scroll.
Here is the minimal demo in codepen integrating both p5 and GSAP.
I have integrated smooth scroller and p5 js in my website. It is working fine in other browsers except in safari. The scroll is stucked in safari browser and I am unable to scroll.
Here is the minimal demo in codepen integrating both p5 and GSAP.
did you scroll using touchpad/mouse? were you able to scroll?
I grabbed the ‘thumb’ with my mouse (left click). Wheel does not work.
That’s the problem. The problem is my mouse scroller / touchpad doesn’t work. Something in between p5 and GSAP smooth scroller is conflicting. I want to know if p5 does anything with scroll event.
p5 has a mouseWheel function. You’ve probably already seen the documentation: