I want to make a button object in p5.js. To do this, I would need to use the button’s function as a parameter in the constructor. I tried using this as the constructor:
constructor(ixp, iyp, iw, ih, itext, icolor1, icolor2, ido) {
this.w=iw; // button width
this.h=ih; // button height
this.posX=ixp; // button x postion
this.posY=iyp; // button y position
this.text=itext; // button label
this.color1=icolor1; // button default color
this.color2=icolor2; // button color when under mouse
this.do=ido; // button function
with this instance:
b1 = new Button(100,100,80,30,"play",'rgb(0,255,0)','rgb(0,200,0)',function(){background(255,0,255);});
I was able to do something similar in processing.js, but I can’t get the function to work in p5.js.
button what give you like
type or paste code here
we can not see where you execute that function,
also would be nice to have a test environment with running code / show
instead we have to make it again just to try / test / play
but the idea is great and works as you can see there,
still can not think of a reasonable use as the function is ‘fixed’ at declaration,
you could just add it to the class ( or child class )