P5.asciify - Apply real-time ASCII conversion to your favorite WebGL p5.js sketches instantly


Hey everyone, I’d like to introduce my relatively new p5.js add-on library p5.asciify on here, which I’ve been actively working on over the last month and will continue to do so for the
foreseeable future.

p5.asciify converts the main canvas in WEBGL mode into a grid of ASCII characters in real-time, allowing you to bring a retro, text-based aesthetic to your visualizations.

The main goal of p5.asciify is to provide an easy-to-use, customizable solution for converting the main p5.js canvas into ASCII characters, offering a wide range of settings and effects to adjust the appearance of the ASCII grid to specific needs.

To see p5.asciify in action, check out the example sketches in the provided collection on the p5.js web editor: p5.asciify examples

The GitHub repository can be found here: https://github.com/humanbydefinition/p5.asciify

Besides the source code, it contains a README to get you set up with the add-on library, and a Wiki that explains and showcases all the functionality and ways for you to manipulate the ASCII conversion.

Feel free to contribute to the development of, report issues, or suggest new features. I highly value your feedback and contributions!

I would also love to see your creations using p5.asciify! Feel free to tag me on social media or use the hashtag #p5asciify so I can enjoy and share your amazing work too. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Instagram: humanbydefinition


PS: Would’ve loved to provide more links and images, but since I am a completely new user on here, I am unfortunately not yet able to. Peace!