OpenCV 4 Upgrade

I just recently upgraded OpenCV for Processing to version 4.4.0. It uses the pre-compiled binaries provided by the javacpp project and thus supports every major operating system as well as armhf & arm64.

All the examples should run without adaptation, I changed just some minor things under the hood to make it working with the new OpenCV version.

You can download the release here and try it out. Would be great to get some feedback (if it works on raspberry for example).

If it works and is tested by others (not only me), I will contact Greg so that we are able to share it through the contribution manager.


For all who would like to use the opencv-processing library on MacOS M1 (Apple Silicon), I have updated the opencv-processing library to support mac-arm64 and linux-arm64:

Somehow the library is not automatically loaded in the current processing version, but if you drag the jar file from the libraries folder into your sketch, processing is able to load and run the jar.