Hello, I am trying to make a program for which I want to load images with an array. I tried a few variants, but they return a null pointer exception when ran.
This is the main code of the program:
AllBlocks allBlocks;
int blockNumber = 1;
void setup(){
background (255);
allBlocks = new AllBlocks(blockNumber);
Then I made two variants of the AllBlocks class, but both don’t work.
Variant 1:
class AllBlocks{
//declare class variables
PImage blocks;
int blockNumber;
AllBlocks(int tempBlockNumber){
blockNumber = tempBlockNumber;
for (int count = 0; count < blockNumber; count++){
String name = str(count) + “.png”;
blocks[count] = loadImage(name);
The second variant:
//display all available blocks
class AllBlocks{
PImage blocks;
String names;
int blockNumber;
PImage test;
AllBlocks(int tempBlockNumber){
blockNumber = tempBlockNumber;
//int count = 1;
names = new String[blockNumber];
for (int count = 0; count < names.length; count++){
names[count] = str(count) + “.png”;
//names = {“1.png”)
for (int count = 0; count < names.length; count++){
String imgNames = names[count];
//blocks[count] = loadImage (“1.png”);
blocks[count] = loadImage (imgNames);
//test = loadImage (“1.png”);
Thank you in advance to anyone who will try to help me.