So, this is my code:
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer sound;
FFT spectrum;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
minim = new Minim(this);
sound = minim.loadFile("untitled.mp3", 1024);
spectrum = new FFT(sound.bufferSize(), sound.sampleRate());
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.specSize(); i++) {
float x = map(i, 0, spectrum.specSize(), 0, width);
//float y = map(spectrum.getBand(i), 0, ???, 0, height);
rect(x, height, width/spectrum.specSize(), -spectrum.getBand(i));
I’ve even uploaded the sound file online in case you wanna hear it:
(It’s just a simple sine wave, rapidly ascending by musical semitones)
So, I have a ton of questions:
What is the max amplitude the spectrum.getBand() method can output? I need to know it in order to finish that second map() function (which I’ve commented out). In p5.sound, it was 255. Here, I’m not so sure. A few of the values went all the way past 300.
What are the specific frequencies of the 1024 analyzed portions?
When I bring the number of portions down (e.g. 64), it starts lagging. Why?
Why is the actual number of portions half the size plus 1 than what I’ve specified using the loadFile() function?
In p5, the p5.FFT() function can take a parameter which specifies smoothing/averaging. Since my visualization is incredibly erratic, I’d like to add that. Is there a function like that in Minim that would smooth out/average the data? I want to achieve that smooth music visualizer effect that you can find in so many music videos lately.
The frequencies of the portions are distributed linearly. This causes the tones from the sound file to appear rising exponentially. Is there a function that would make the analysis exponential? Music, in essence, IS exponential. When we play a linear sequence (100 Hz, 200 Hz, 300 Hz…), the sequence will appear to rise slower and slower. I’d simply like the analyzed data to be distributed more naturally.
In case Minim does not have such a function, I will have to resort to an analysis of specific, hand-picked frequencies. Is there a function to get the amplitude of a specific frequency? I know that in p5.sound, it’s p5.FFT.getEnergy().
The console seems to be outputting some kind of a non-sketch-breaking error. What’s that all about?