(Noob question) why doesn't this line of code work?

Consider the ArrayList(PVector) “p”.

Now let’s say I’m trying to set a vector in that list


When I write this it says “left hand of assignment must be variable”.

How do I get around this?

Edit: furthermore to the solution, I found that

list.set(index, object);

works well for any type

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ArrayList<PVector> l1 = new ArrayList();

size(700, 700);

l1.add(new PVector (12, 7)); 
l1.add(new PVector (22, 22));
l1.add(new PVector (222, 222));

l1.get(1).set (l1.get(2).copy());    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for (PVector pv : l1 ) {
  rect(pv.x, pv.y, 3, 6);

aha, I knew it had something to do with set().

The real problem was my inability to find these resources on the Processing page :laughing:

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One of the best tools in a programmers tool chest is knowing the resources available to you and learning to navigate them.

This is a very short list:

Resources < Click here to expand !

I encourage you to review the resources available here:




I did some further exploration into this…

Another tool is the “Code completion with Ctrl-space”:

It gives me some insights into options for further exploration.

Original code (needs to be corrected):
ArrayList<PVector> p = new ArrayList();

PVector v1, v2, v3;

v1 = new PVector(0, 1);
v2 = new PVector(2, 3);
v3 = new PVector(4, 5);


p.set(1, p.get(2));

p.set(1, v2);

// ArrayList
// https://processing.org/reference/ArrayList.html
// Also links to:
// https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html
// https://processing.org/reference/ArrayList.html

// PVector
// https://processing.org/reference/PVector.html
// https://processing.org/reference/PVector.html
Corrected code
To be updated!
See comments in topic.

I have a lot of snippets of code like this that I write which I add to my resources.
And sometimes they need to be corrected!



Oh, the collection would interest me

Also, there are reports it’s best to use PVector with pv.copy() when you copy. Because Pointer versus content

On the original question:

  1. Something like anObject.aMethod()=… will never work, the result of a method call is no variable! ( anO.aMe().aPublic=… could)

  2. Beware of the overloaded Object-setters… Hard to find bugs if you put in a long instead of int, never to find it again. But you don’t need to understand that.

Best regards

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I was using the get(index) method of ArrayList in my example.

I did find this in the source for using get() and copy() methods with PVectors:

They appear to be the same and get() (depracated) just calls copy().


You got me wrong there.

I was trying to say your code is wrong, since you forgot to use .copy() when trying to copy a PVector: p.set(1,p.get(2));.

You want p.set(1,p.get(2).copy);

Here is the proof (with wrong line):

We receive 19,19 in 2 slots of the arrayList, not in one slot.

ArrayList<PVector> p = new ArrayList();

PVector v1, v2, v3;

v1 = new PVector(0, 1);
v2 = new PVector(2, 3);
v3 = new PVector(4, 5);



p.set(1, p.get(2));

p.get(2).set(19, 19);

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Thank you for correction.

Updating my notes.


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Sorry, I wasn’t clear.

Chrisir :wink:

One more thimg, on the simple side:

You can actually do stuff like

, as x is public


That would help explain the “why”, thanks!

I think that get() gets a reference to the object, so you can’t set a reference (i’m not sure, also i come from C++ so i call this a pointer)

That’s right:

when trying to copy a PVector: p.set(1,p.get(2)); it only gets you the pointer / address. So later the PVector in slot 1 changes when you change slot 2. Not what you want.

You want p.set(1,p.get(2).copy); to get the content (value) into 2 and make it independent of 1.

I tried to explain briefly above.
