int penx = 0;
int peny = 0;
int de = 2;
cLista lista = new cLista();
int el0 = 0;
int by;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
size(800, 600);
// size(1024, 768);
// size(screen.width, screen.height);
colorMode(HSB, 1);
stroke(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
background(0, 0, 1);
// strokeWeight(0.3 * de + 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void draw() {
int t = 0;
while((t++ < 50) && (el0 < {
if (el0 == {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void mouseClicked() { = 0;
el0 = 0;
background(0, 0, 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void keyPressed()
if( key == 's') {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void city() {
// cielo nero
// rettf(0, 0, width, int(0.95*height));
// luna
int rag = height / 10;
lista.agg(0, (int)random(rag, width-rag), (int)random(0.3*height, 0.5*height-rag));
lista.agg(6, rag, 0);
// strade
PVector p1;
PVector p2;
p1 = proietta(new PVector(-10, 0, 240));
p2 = proietta(new PVector(-10, 0, -60));
linea(p1, p2);
p1 = proietta(new PVector(-20, 0, 240));
p2 = proietta(new PVector(-20, 0, -60));
linea(p1, p2);
p1 = proietta(new PVector(-40, 0, -5));
p2 = proietta(new PVector(240, 0, -5));
linea(p1, p2);
p1 = proietta(new PVector(-40, 0, -15));
p2 = proietta(new PVector(240, 0, -15));
linea(p1, p2);
palazzo(new PVector(40, 0, 80));
palazzo(new PVector(40, 0, 40));
for(int z=9; z>0; z--) {
palazzo(new PVector(0, 0, z*40));
for(int x=6; x>=0; x--) {
palazzo(new PVector(x*40, 0, 0));
// alberi
for(int x=220; x>=0; x-=40) {
albero(new PVector(x, 0, -2));
albero(new PVector(-2, 0, x));
// semafori
semaforox(new PVector( 0, 0, 162));
semaforox(new PVector( 0, 0, 82));
semaforox(new PVector( 0, 0, 2));
semaforoz(new PVector(82, 0, 0));
semaforoz(new PVector( 2, 0, 0));
palazzo(new PVector(0, 0, -53));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
PVector proietta(PVector pt) {
float d = 60.00;
float h = 1.50;
float alfa = radians(30);
float a = pt.x * sin(alfa) - pt.z * cos(alfa);
float b = pt.x * cos(alfa) + pt.z * sin(alfa);
float x = d * a / (b + d);
float y = d * (pt.y - h) / (b + d);
float sc = height / 90;
return new PVector(0.63*width + sc*x, 0.95*height - sc*y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void palazzo(PVector pt) {
int tipo = int(random(10));
int h = int(random(50, 100));
boolean insegne = false;
switch (tipo) {
case 0:
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+20, h, pt.z+10), new PVector(pt.x+21, h+random(20, 40), pt.z+11));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+10, h, pt.z+10), new PVector(pt.x+11, h+random(20, 40), pt.z+11));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt.x, h, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+30, h, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+30, h, pt.z+30), new PVector(pt.x, h, pt.z+30));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 20, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+30, h-4, pt.z+30));
for (int fi=30-3; fi>0; fi-=3) {
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt.x, 20, pt.z+fi)), proietta(new PVector(pt.x, h-4, pt.z+fi)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt.x+fi, 20, pt.z)), proietta(new PVector(pt.x+fi, h-4, pt.z)));
box3d(pt, new PVector(pt.x+30, 19, pt.z+30));
insegne = true;
case 1:
int nr = int(random(5, 20));
for (int i=nr-1; i>=0; i--) {
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, i*4+4, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+30, i*4+6, pt.z+30));
pilotis(pt, 30, 30, 4);
insegne = true;
case 2:
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+1, h-10, pt.z+1), new PVector(pt.x+29, h, pt.z+29));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 2, 10, pt.z+22), new PVector(pt.x+ 4, h-10, pt.z+28));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+22, 10, pt.z+ 2), new PVector(pt.x+28, h-10, pt.z+ 4));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 4, 10, pt.z+ 4), new PVector(pt.x+22, h-10, pt.z+22));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 2, 10, pt.z+ 2), new PVector(pt.x+ 8, h-10, pt.z+ 8));
basamento(pt, 10);
insegne = true;
case 3:
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+14.5, h, pt.z+14.5), new PVector(pt.x+15.5, h+40, pt.z+15.5));
if (h > 50) box3d(new PVector(pt.x+2, 50, pt.z+2), new PVector(pt.x+28, h, pt.z+28));
if (h > 50) box3d(new PVector(pt.x+4, 42, pt.z+4), new PVector(pt.x+26, 50, pt.z+26));
if (h > 42) box3d(new PVector(pt.x+2, 16, pt.z+2), new PVector(pt.x+28, 42, pt.z+28));
if (h > 16) box3d(new PVector(pt.x+4, 12, pt.z+4), new PVector(pt.x+26, 16, pt.z+26));
if (h > 12) basamento(pt, 12);
insegne = true;
case 4:
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 31, pt.z), h-16, 32, 13, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 26, pt.z), 4, 32, 13, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 21, pt.z), 4, 32, 13, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 16, pt.z), 4, 32, 13, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 12, pt.z), 4, 32, 11, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z), 12, 32, 15, false);
case 5:
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, h-2, pt.z), 2, 8, 13, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, h-6, pt.z), 4, 8, 9, true);
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 8, pt.z), h-14, 8, 13, true);
basamento(pt, 8);
insegne = true;
case 6: // giardino
box3d(pt, new PVector(pt.x+30, pt.y+1, pt.z+30));
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
float pz = map(i, 0, 10, 0, 22);
float px = random(0, pz);
PVector pt0 = new PVector(pt.x+26-px, pt.y+1, pt.z+26-pz+px);
case 7:
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 32, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+25, h, pt.z+25));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+10, 26, pt.z+10), new PVector(pt.x+20, 32, pt.z+20));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 26, pt.z+24), new PVector(pt.x+5, 32, pt.z+25));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 26, pt.z+18), new PVector(pt.x+5, 32, pt.z+19));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 26, pt.z+11), new PVector(pt.x+5, 32, pt.z+12));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+24, 26, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+25, 32, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+18, 26, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+19, 32, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+11, 26, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+12, 32, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 5, 26, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+ 6, 32, pt.z+6));
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 6, pt.z), 20, 25, 15, false);
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+10, 0, pt.z+10), new PVector(pt.x+20, 6, pt.z+20));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 0, pt.z+24), new PVector(pt.x+5, 6, pt.z+25));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 0, pt.z+18), new PVector(pt.x+5, 6, pt.z+19));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+5, 0, pt.z+11), new PVector(pt.x+5, 6, pt.z+12));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+24, 0, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+25, 6, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+18, 0, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+19, 6, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+11, 0, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+12, 6, pt.z+6));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 5, 0, pt.z+5), new PVector(pt.x+ 6, 6, pt.z+6));
insegne = true;
case 8:
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+2, 6, pt.z+2), new PVector(pt.x+18, h-10, pt.z+18));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+23), new PVector(pt.x+2, h , pt.z+28));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+18), new PVector(pt.x+2, h-5, pt.z+23));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+ 7), new PVector(pt.x+2, h-5, pt.z+12));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+ 2), new PVector(pt.x+2, h , pt.z+ 7));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+23, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+28, h , pt.z+2));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+18, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+23, h-5, pt.z+2));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 7, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+12, h-5, pt.z+2));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+ 2, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+ 7, h , pt.z+2));
insegne = true;
case 9:
cilindro3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z), h, 32, 11, true);
box3d(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+15), new PVector(pt.x+4, h, pt.z+30));
box3d(new PVector(pt.x+15, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+30, h, pt.z+4));
insegne = true;
if (insegne) {
float iw = random(1, 1.5);
float ih = random(2, 10);
float ipos = random(2, 14);
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4, pt.z-1), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4+ih, pt.z-1), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4+ih, pt.z-1-iw), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4, pt.z-1-iw));
iw = random(1, 1.5);
ih = random(2, 10);
ipos = random(2, 14) + 15;
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4, pt.z-1), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4+ih, pt.z-1), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4+ih, pt.z-1-iw), new PVector(pt.x+ipos, 4, pt.z-1-iw));
iw = random(1, 1.5);
ih = random(2, 10);
ipos = random(2, 14);
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt.x-1, 4, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1, 4+ih, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1-iw, 4+ih, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1-iw, 4, pt.z+ipos));
iw = random(1, 1.5);
ih = random(2, 10);
ipos = random(2, 14) + 15;
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt.x-1, 4, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1, 4+ih, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1-iw, 4+ih, pt.z+ipos), new PVector(pt.x-1-iw, 4, pt.z+ipos));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void basamento(PVector pt, float h) {
int nr1 = int(random(1, 5));
int nr2 = int(random(1, 5));
float inter1 = 27.0 / nr1;
float inter2 = 27.0 / nr2;
box3d(pt, new PVector(pt.x+30, h, pt.z+30));
rettangolo_rigato(new PVector(pt.x, 6, pt.z+2), new PVector(pt.x, h-2, pt.z+2), new PVector(pt.x, h-2, pt.z+28), new PVector(pt.x, 6, pt.z+28));
for (int i=0; i<nr1; i++) {
rettangolo_rigato(new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+2+i*inter1), new PVector(pt.x, 4, pt.z+2+i*inter1), new PVector(pt.x, 4, pt.z+1+(i+1)*inter1), new PVector(pt.x, 0, pt.z+1+(i+1)*inter1));
rettangolo_nero(new PVector(pt.x+2, 6, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+2, h-2, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+28, h-2, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+28, 6, pt.z));
for (int i=0; i<nr2; i++) {
rettangolo_nero(new PVector(pt.x+2+i*inter2, 0, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+2+i*inter2, 4, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+1+(i+1)*inter2, 4, pt.z), new PVector(pt.x+1+(i+1)*inter2, 0, pt.z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void albero(PVector pt0) {
PVector pt1 = pt0.get();
pt1.y += 4;
PVector pt2 = pt1.get();
pt2.x += 2;
pt2.z -= 2;
PVector pp0 = proietta(pt0);
PVector pp1 = proietta(pt1);
PVector pp2 = proietta(pt2);
lista.agg(0, (int)pp1.x, (int)pp1.y);
lista.agg(6, int(pp2.x-pp1.x), 0);
dlinea(pp0, pp1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void semaforox(PVector pt0) {
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x -2, 0, pt0.z)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x -2, 5, pt0.z)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x-28, 0, pt0.z)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x-28, 5, pt0.z)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x -2, 4, pt0.z)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x-28, 4, pt0.z)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x -2, 5, pt0.z)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x-28, 5, pt0.z)));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt0.x -4, 4, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x -4, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x -9, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x -9, 4, pt0.z));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt0.x-11, 4, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-11, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-19, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-19, 4, pt0.z));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt0.x-21, 4, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-21, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-26, 5, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x-26, 4, pt0.z));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void semaforoz(PVector pt0) {
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 0, pt0.z -2)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z -2)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 0, pt0.z-18)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z-18)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z -2)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z-18)));
linea(proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z -2)), proietta(new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z-18)));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z -4), new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z -4), new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z -9), new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z -9));
rettangolo_bianco(new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z-11), new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z-11), new PVector(pt0.x, 5, pt0.z-16), new PVector(pt0.x, 4, pt0.z-16));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void box3d(PVector pt1, PVector pt2) {
PVector p1 = proietta(new PVector(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.z));
PVector p2 = proietta(new PVector(pt1.x, pt2.y, pt2.z));
PVector p3 = proietta(new PVector(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt1.z));
PVector p4 = proietta(new PVector(pt1.x, pt2.y, pt1.z));
PVector p5 = proietta(new PVector(pt2.x, pt1.y, pt1.z));
PVector p6 = proietta(new PVector(pt2.x, pt2.y, pt1.z));
PVector p7 = proietta(new PVector(pt2.x, pt1.y, pt2.z));
lista.agg(3, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p4.x, (int)p4.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p6.x, (int)p6.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p5.x, (int)p5.y);
lista.agg(4, (int)p7.x, (int)p7.y);
if (p7.y > p1.y) {
lista.agg(3, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p5.x, (int)p5.y);
lista.agg(5, (int)p7.x, (int)p7.y);
_dlinea((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y);
_dlinea((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
_dlinea((int)p2.x, (int)p2.y, (int)p4.x, (int)p4.y);
_dlinea((int)p3.x, (int)p3.y, (int)p4.x, (int)p4.y);
_dlinea((int)p3.x, (int)p3.y, (int)p5.x, (int)p5.y);
_dlinea((int)p5.x, (int)p5.y, (int)p6.x, (int)p6.y);
_dlinea((int)p4.x, (int)p4.y, (int)p6.x, (int)p6.y);
if (p7.y > p1.y) {
_dlinea((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p7.x, (int)p7.y);
_dlinea((int)p5.x, (int)p5.y, (int)p7.x, (int)p7.y);
striscia(pt2.y - pt1.y, p3, p4, p5, p6);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void cilindro3d(PVector pt, float h, int nrseg, float rad, boolean contorno) {
PVector [][] pv = new PVector[nrseg][2];
for (int i=0; i<nrseg; i++) {
float alfa = map(i, 0, nrseg, 0, TWO_PI);
pv[i][0] = proietta(new PVector(pt.x+15+rad*cos(alfa), pt.y, pt.z+15-rad*sin(alfa)));
pv[i][1] = proietta(new PVector(pt.x+15+rad*cos(alfa), pt.y+h, pt.z+15-rad*sin(alfa)));
for (int i=0; i<nrseg; i++) {
int j = (i + nrseg - 1) % nrseg;
if (pv[i][0].x <= pv[j][0].x) {
if (i > 0) {
lista.agg(3, (int)pv[j][0].x, (int)pv[j][0].y);
lista.agg(3, (int)pv[i][0].x, (int)pv[i][0].y);
lista.agg(3, (int)pv[i][1].x, (int)pv[i][1].y);
lista.agg(4, (int)pv[j][1].x, (int)pv[j][1].y);
for (int i=0; i<nrseg; i++) {
lista.agg(3, (int)pv[i][0].x, (int)pv[i][0].y);
lista.agg(5, (int)pv[0][0].x, (int)pv[0][0].y);
for (int i=0; i<nrseg; i++) {
int j = (i + nrseg - 1) % nrseg;
float alfa = map(i, 0, nrseg, 0, TWO_PI) + 1;
if (pv[i][0].x <= pv[j][0].x) {
if (pv[(i+1)%nrseg][0].x >= pv[i][0].x) {
linea(pv[i][0], pv[i][1]);
if (contorno) linea(pv[i][0], pv[i][1]);
if (i > 0) {
dlinea(pv[j][0], pv[i][0]);
dlinea(pv[j][1], pv[i][1]);
if (sin(alfa) > 0) striscia(h, pv[i][0], pv[i][1], pv[j][0], pv[j][1]);
else {
if (pv[(i+1)%nrseg][0].x <= pv[i][0].x) {
linea(pv[i][0], pv[i][1]);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void pilotis(PVector pt0, float dex, float dez, float h) {
int nrx = int((dex - 1) / 6);
int nrz = int((dez - 1) / 6);
float delx = (dex-1) / nrx;
float delz = (dez-1) / nrz;
for (int i=nrz; i>0; i--) {
box3d(new PVector(pt0.x, 0, pt0.z+i*delz), new PVector(pt0.x+1, h, pt0.z+i*delz+1));
for (int i=nrx; i>=0; i--) {
box3d(new PVector(pt0.x+i*delx, 0, pt0.z), new PVector(pt0.x+i*delx+1, h, pt0.z+1));
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// striscia tratteggiata in orizzontale
void striscia(float del, PVector p1, PVector p2, PVector p3, PVector p4) {
float r1 = (p1.y - p2.y) / del;
float r2 = (p3.y - p4.y) / del;
float pp = 0;
while (pp < del) {
_linea(int(p1.x), int(p2.y + pp * r1), int(p3.x), int(p4.y + pp * r2));
pp += 0.5;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void rettangolo_bianco(PVector pt1, PVector pt2, PVector pt3, PVector pt4) {
PVector p1 = proietta(pt1);
PVector p2 = proietta(pt2);
PVector p3 = proietta(pt3);
PVector p4 = proietta(pt4);
lista.agg(3, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y);
lista.agg(4, (int)p4.x, (int)p4.y);
linea(p1, p2);
linea(p2, p3);
linea(p3, p4);
linea(p4, p1);
void rettangolo_rigato(PVector pt1, PVector pt2, PVector pt3, PVector pt4) {
rettangolo_bianco(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4);
striscia(pt2.y - pt1.y, proietta(pt1), proietta(pt2), proietta(pt4), proietta(pt3));
void rettangolo_nero(PVector pt1, PVector pt2, PVector pt3, PVector pt4) {
PVector p1 = proietta(pt1);
PVector p2 = proietta(pt2);
PVector p3 = proietta(pt3);
PVector p4 = proietta(pt4);
lista.agg(3, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
lista.agg(3, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y);
lista.agg(5, (int)p4.x, (int)p4.y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// rettangolo pieno
void rettf(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey) {
int dex = ex - sx;
int dey = ey - sy;
lista.agg(0, sx, sy);
for (int i=0; i<min(dex, dey); i+=6) {
lista.agg(1, sx, sy + i);
lista.agg(1, sx + i, sy);
if (dex > dey) {
for (int i=0; i<dex-dey; i+=6) {
lista.agg(1, sx + i, ey);
lista.agg(1, sx + dey + i, sy);
else {
for (int i=0; i<dey-dex; i+=6) {
lista.agg(1, sx, sy + dex + i);
lista.agg(1, ex, sy + i);
for (int i=min(dex, dey); i>=0; i-=6) {
lista.agg(1, ex - i, ey);
lista.agg(1, ex, ey - i);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void _linea(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey) {
lista.agg(0, sx, sy);
lista.agg(1, ex, ey);
void linea(PVector p1, PVector p2) {
_linea((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
void _dlinea(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey) {
_linea(sx, sy, ex, ey);
_linea(sx, sy, ex, ey);
void dlinea(PVector p1, PVector p2) {
_dlinea((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
class cLista {
int mat[][] = new int [100000][3];
int nr = 0;
PVector [] pv = new PVector[100];
int nrv = 0;
cLista() {
for (int i=0; i<pv.length; i++) {
pv[i] = new PVector(0, 0);
void agg(int tipo, int px, int py) {
mat[nr][0] = tipo;
mat[nr][1] = px + int(random(-de, de));
mat[nr][2] = py + int(random(-de, de));
void _draw(int el) {
switch(mat[el][0]) {
case 0: // move to
penx = mat[el][1];
peny = mat[el][2];
case 1: // line to
stroke(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
line(penx, peny, mat[el][1], mat[el][2]);
penx = mat[el][1];
peny = mat[el][2];
case 2: // rettangolo pieno
fill(0, 0, 1);
rect(penx, peny, mat[el][1] - penx, mat[el][2] - peny);
case 3: // vertice poligono pieno
pv[nrv].x = mat[el][1];
pv[nrv].y = mat[el][2];
case 4: // chiusura poligono pieno bianco
pv[nrv].x = mat[el][1];
pv[nrv].y = mat[el][2];
fill(0, 0, 1);
for (int i=0; i<nrv; i++) {
vertex(pv[i].x, pv[i].y);
nrv = 0;
case 5: // chiusura poligono pieno nero
pv[nrv].x = mat[el][1];
pv[nrv].y = mat[el][2];
fill(0, 0, 0);
for (int i=0; i<nrv; i++) {
vertex(pv[i].x, pv[i].y);
nrv = 0;
case 6: // sfera
int px0;
int py0;
int px1 = 0;
int py1 = 0;
int nrs = height / 6;
float ra = random(2.1, 2.4);
fill(0, 0, 1);
ellipse(penx, peny, 2*mat[el][1], 2*mat[el][1]);
stroke(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
for (int i=0; i<nrs; i++) {
float alfa = map(i, 0, nrs, 0, 2 * TWO_PI);
px0 = px1;
py0 = py1;
float rad = mat[el][1] + 2 * de * sin(ra*alfa);
px1 = penx + int(rad * cos(alfa));
py1 = peny + int(rad * sin(alfa));
if (i > 0) {
line(px0, py0, px1, py1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
Wow are you really doing this with code? this must be a huge amount of work!
no its not my work i am learning and spend a lot of time searching the net when i found something great i share it with others
Hi, @jafal,
Please provide us with a link to where you found this. Thanks!
really i do not remember the site maybe it was from Japaneses learning site
It’s from
you are true but i found it at Japaneses site
Yeah agree with @javagar, please respect the author of the work by providing a credit or a link to the original work.
Code is like any piece of art, it’s not something you can copy and paste like this, you wouldn’t want people to do this with your code
did he keeps his code in a locker ??
see the title Open which means open
From the OpenProcessing ToS page :
By submitting Content to OpenProcessing for inclusion on your account, you grant anyone Creative Commons license to reproduce, modify, adapt and publish the Content as defined by the license. If you delete Content, Wiredpieces Inc. will use reasonable efforts to remove it from the Website, but you acknowledge that caching or references to the Content may not be made immediately unavailable.
And from the Creative Commons website :
This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.
@ javagar
this is personal blog when i copied from it i did mention it
I do not earn money for these posts, but for the global benefit
i understand now …
Hi @jafal,
Thanks for bringing this work to our attention. I find both natural landscapes and cityscapes to be interesting, as well as aesthetically pleasing, and might wish to experiment with the code for this project.
When we use or bring code or other work to the attention others, I feel it best for us all to cite the work with a link or other reference that will enable the reader to conveniently find the source. This honors the author, and also enables the reader of the post to find additional information of interest about the work that may be useful to them.
EDIT (March 1, 2021):
This link seems to be related to the code in the original post: Schizzo 2 in JS.
Best of luck with the work that you are doing with Processing!
thanks for your attention