New tab in Processing

Can someone please tell how to add code to a new tab please?

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In the horizontal line with the existing tab(s), there is a small arrow pointing down (right next to the tab)

Click the arrow and say “new tab”.

Then the code from the different tabs is stitched together internally.

  • Example: Besides the main tab I often use InputsKeys, InputsMouse, States, Tools as tab names and a tab for each class like classPoint, classTriangle etc.

Very convenient. Like chapters in a book.


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Okay, thank you when my friend and I tried to add new code specific to the new tab, we got a lot of read lines and we are not sure what what we are doing wrong?

The errors (red lines) are probably not because of the tab (as such)

can you maybe post the content of this tab?

or post a screenshot?

as I said, the code from the different tabs is stitched together internally.

So a tab continues the same Sketch. You are not allowed to repeat setup() or draw() or any variables with the same name…

It is like you had all code in one tab.

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Okay, thank you. You have been very helpful, i will give that a try and see what happens?

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what do you mean exactly?

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In other words , I’ll put your advice into practice

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