Nested loops and asterisk patterns

hi i know this isn’t very appealing visually but I’m trying to learn how to control nested loops - whats a good way to use nested loops and text to create asterisk patterns (simple triangle, diamond etc). 02%20AM

thanks for help!

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Hey There!

So you would like to make patterns with the symbols ?

First it be important to try and make the patterns in console. And then translate the logic into a X and Y canvas. So if you want a triangle patterns let’s see what defines it.


We can see simply that the triangular pattern is created by having a star print on a line and the next line has +1 of the last line. How do you do it with 2 for loops ?

Figure it out !

Var radius = 10;
Var theta = 360/corners;
Var a =0;
Var corners =5;

For(var i=0;i<no_of_stars_per_line+a;i++){
For(var j=0;j<lines;j++){

For(var k=0;k<corners;k++){

Var x = i + radius * cos(theta * k);
Var y = j + radius  * sin(theta * k);

Drawshape(0+i * x_spacing,0+j  * y_spacing,x,y);

a ++;

That should be the basic jist of it. Of course the drawshape function is supposed to have your triangle code, otherwise you could simply use

Line(0+x_spacing  * i,0+y_spacing * j,x,y);

You’d need to define your spacing.

Sorry code isnt formatted im using my phone
Also my star icon doesnt seem to work so i used hash # instead just add them in to the right places as they’re you’re multipliers.

my horrible code!

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please not post code as image ( unless you combine it with the resulting canvas? )
use in the post editor the

</> code tag

looks like:
type or paste code here

as a start please note that
usually, we use the



and also from the beginning please use variables

int mx = 100;
int my = 100;

void setup() {

void draw() {
  for(int x = 0; x < mx; x+=10) {
    for(int y = my; y>0; y -=10) {

ok, that is still the same as your code,
just formatted…

now to the nesting for loop question,
actually you execute the inner for loop 10 times
( by the outer for loop )
but printing the same / at the same position

not make much sense,
if you would use like


the nesting makes more sense, but possibly is far from what you wanted?

Thank you all for your help. I have researched a few days and I have found a javascript code that does what i want. I need to convert this from js to java for processing. What would be the equivalent in Processing? Thanks so much - I have already learned a great deal.

var i, j;


Here you go.
Check the attached screenshot, please.

void setup() {

void draw() {
  int i, j;
  for(i=1; i <= 10; i++) {
    for(j=1; j <= i; j++) {
      text("*", i*10, j*10);


Thank you so much! I will work with this for awhile and post my findings here for my own reference and other beginners who wish to learn about nested loops.

many thanks! - otorp2

lining up to 0,0 corner:

int i, j;
void setup() {

  for(i= 0; i <= 9; i++) {
    for(j=0; j <= i+1; j++) {
    text("*", i*10, j*10);

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Change text asterisk to rect - simple is beautiful

int i, j;
void setup() {

  for(i= 0; i <= 9; i++) {
    for(j=0; j <= i+1; j++) {
    //text("*", i*10, j*10);