Need to know how to make a draggable Tower of Hanoi game for a school project

Hi, I have a school project about to make a Tower of Hanoi game, I’ve made all the rings and stuff, but I have very little knowledge about dragging and other interaction options in Processing. I haven’t finished, but here is the rings. I’m not sure how to make the rings draggable.

int x = 100;

// represent the disks in each tower
int[] tower1 = {4, 3, 2, 1};
int[] tower2 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int[] tower3 = {8, 0, 0, 0};
float r, g, b;
void setup() {
  size(600, 400);  
  r = random(0, 256);
  g = random(0, 256);
  b= random(0, 256);
void draw() {
  fill(r, g, b);
  //rect(400, 350, 166, 20);
  int y = 350;
  int yTwo = 350;
  int sizeTwo = 166;
  y = 350;
  // write a loop to loop 4 times
  for (int i = 0; i<tower1.length; i++) {
    int size = tower1[i] * 40;
    rect(x, y, size, 20, 7);
    y -= 50;
    r=random(0, 256);
    g=random(0, 256);
    b =random(0, 256);
  y = 350;
  for (int i = 0; i<tower2.length; i++) {
    int size = tower2[i] * 40;
    rect(270, y, size, 20, 7);
    y -= 50;
    r=random(0, 256);
    g=random(0, 256);
    b =random(0, 256);
  for (int u=0; u< tower3.length; u++) {
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Example of a thing you can drag:

float x,y;
boolean held;

void setup(){
  x = 150;
  y = 150;
  held = false;

void draw(){
    x = lerp(x,(x<300)?(150):((x>600)?(750):(450)),.6);
    y = lerp(y,150,.6);
  if( over() ){ fill(200); }

boolean over(){
 return(dist(x,y,mouseX,mouseY) < 50);

void mousePressed(){
  if( !held && over() ){
    held = true;

void mouseDragged(){
  if( held ){
void mouseReleased(){
  held = false;
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Thank you, this helped me a lot!

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Glad that the example from @TfGuy44 helped solve your problem.

Also relevant to draggable interaction in Processing: the Mouse Functions example sketch from the Processing examples list:

…and the documentation for mouseDragged():