Need help with making a bullet that shoots towards the mouse

I’m making a zombie survival game and I’ve come across a problem when I was making my ArrayList of bullets. The bullets show up on the screen but wont move. With some trouble shooting it looks like the variables “d” and “t” stay null. Some help would be appreciated.

class Bullet
  PVector pos;
  PVector spd;
  float damage;
  PVector t = null;
  PVector d;

  Bullet (float x, float y)
    pos = new PVector (x, y);

  void update ()

  void display ()
    fill (#EDED54);
    ellipse (pos.x, pos.y, 7, 7);
  void move ()
    if (t != null)
      d = PVector.sub(t, pos);

  boolean gone()
    if (pos.y < 0)
      return true;

    return false;
  void keyReleased ()
    if (key == ' ')
      t = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);

Won’t work inside the class. You need to call it from keyReleased outside the class


thanks man appreciate it.

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