Here is what I want to do: create a chain of circles (number of circles if defined by user input) that must zigzag and change direction of movement when reaching a boundaries of the screen.
But I have problems with “snake moving”, in my version the whole “snake” initially moves in the same direction. Here is my code:
import processing.core.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main extends PApplet {
int n;
float[] rs;
float[] xs;
float[] ys;
float[] dxs;
float[] dys;
float[] bc;
float angleX;
float angleY;
public void settings() {
//size(1280, 720);
public void setup() {
String strNOfCircles = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("N?");
try {
n = Integer.parseInt(strNOfCircles);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Incorrect input");
rs = new float[n];
xs = new float[n];
ys = new float[n];
dxs = new float[n];
dys = new float[n];
bc = new float[n];
float r = width / 30f;
angleX = r * PI / 4.5f;
angleY = r * PI / 4.5f;
float x = width / 3f;
float y = 3 * height / 4f;
float initBc = 255;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dxs[i] = 1;
dys[i] = 1;
rs[i] = r;
xs[i] = x;
ys[i] = y;
bc[i] = initBc;
x -= angleX;
y -= angleY;
if (x <= 0 + r / 2) {
angleX = -angleX;
} else if (x >= width - r / 2) {
angleX = -angleX;
if (y <= 0 + r / 2) {
angleY = -angleY;
} else if (y >= height - r / 2) {
angleY = -angleY;
initBc -= initBc / n * 2;
public void draw() {
background(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (xs[i] >= width - rs[i] / 2) {
dxs[i] = -dxs[i];
else if (xs[i] <= 0 + rs[i] / 2) {
dxs[i] = -dxs[i];
xs[i] += dxs[i];
if (ys[i] >= height - rs[i] / 2) {
dys[i] = -dys[i];
if (ys[i] <= 0 + rs[i] / 2) {
dys[i] = -dys[i];
ys[i] += dys[i];
drawCircle(rs[i], xs[i], ys[i], bc[i]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void drawCircle(float r, float x, float y, float bc) {
fill(0, 0, bc);
circle(x, y, r);
Please, help me to implement these zigzag movement. Thanks in advance.