Need help to prevent Infinity to occur

I got following problem I’m creating a Neuronal Network class And for some strange reasons I don’t know there is one point in the learning process at wich there it suddenly becomes Infinity and then NaN. Here is code of the classes

class Neuron {
  float lastinputs[];
  int id;
  float[] weights;
  Neuron(int id_, int lengthweights) {
    weights=new float[lengthweights];
    try {
      String load[]=loadStrings("weight"+id+".txt");
      for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) weights[i]=Float.parseFloat(load[i]);
      String format_controll=load[weights.length-1];
    catch(Exception e) {
      for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) weights[i]=random(-1, 1);
      String[] save=new String[weights.length];
      for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) save[i]=weights[i]+"";
      saveStrings("weight"+id+".txt", save);

  void forewardpropragation(float learningrate, float difference) {
    for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) {

    String[] save=new String[weights.length];
    for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) save[i]=weights[i]+"";
    saveStrings("weight"+id+".txt", save);

  float calculate(float inputs[]) {
    float sum=0;
    for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) sum+=inputs[i]*weights[i];
    return sum;

class Network {
  int structure[];
  int structure2[];
  Neuron n[];
  Network(int struc[]) {
    structure=new int[struc.length];
    for (int i=1; i<struc.length; i++) structure[i]+=struc[i]+structure[i-1];

    n=new Neuron[structure[structure.length-1]];
    for (int i=0; i<structure.length-1; i++) {
      for (int j=structure[i]; j<structure[i+1]; j++) {
        n[j]=new Neuron(j, struc[i]);
  float calculate(float inputs[]) {
    int max=inputs.length;

    for (int i=0; i<structure.length; i++) if (max<structure2[i]) max=structure2[i];
    float[][] hiddenlayer=new float[structure.length][max];
    for (int i=0; i<structure.length-1; i++) {
      for (int j=structure[i]; j<structure[i+1]; j++) {

    return hiddenlayer[structure.length-1][0];
  void supervisedLearningCustom(float learning_rate, float inp[], float correct_answer) {
    for (int i=0; i<n.length; i++) n[i].forewardpropragation(learning_rate, correct_answer-calculate(inp));

Now this code won’t create any problem:

Network n;
void setup() {
  n=new Network(new int[]{2, 5, 1});
void draw() {
  n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 1}, 0);
  n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 0}, 1);
  println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 0}));
  println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 1}));

While this code leads to this result:

Network n;
void setup() {
  n=new Network(new int[]{2, 5, 1});
void draw() {

  n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{0, 1}, 1);
  n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 1}, 0);
  n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 0}, 1);
  println(n.calculate(new float[]{0, 1}));
  println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 0}));
  println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 1}));

I know the if Infinity occures once there is a chain reaction wich makes all NaN

  1. Infinity occures
  2. the result becomes Infinity or NaN
  3. the error uses it
  4. it gets build in in the weights
  5. all results become Infinity or NaN

Why is this and how can I fix this?

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Ok I found tthat this is because of a high value of the calculations . But how can I fix that this is in the correct range?

You have to put a Limitation on your Weights.

for (Int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) {
   weights[i] = constrain(weights[i], -1, 1); // you can probably get away with (-100, 100). 
   // you could calculate the specific Max value,with the number of neurons and possible Connections, but i don‘t know the formula right now...
   //just Test out different ranges and see which one works best
   // Note, that a low range can be compensated by simply reducing the initial values of the multiplication. 
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