I got following problem I’m creating a Neuronal Network class And for some strange reasons I don’t know there is one point in the learning process at wich there it suddenly becomes Infinity and then NaN. Here is code of the classes
class Neuron {
float lastinputs[];
int id;
float[] weights;
Neuron(int id_, int lengthweights) {
weights=new float[lengthweights];
try {
String load[]=loadStrings("weight"+id+".txt");
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) weights[i]=Float.parseFloat(load[i]);
String format_controll=load[weights.length-1];
catch(Exception e) {
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) weights[i]=random(-1, 1);
String[] save=new String[weights.length];
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) save[i]=weights[i]+"";
saveStrings("weight"+id+".txt", save);
void forewardpropragation(float learningrate, float difference) {
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) {
String[] save=new String[weights.length];
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) save[i]=weights[i]+"";
saveStrings("weight"+id+".txt", save);
float calculate(float inputs[]) {
float sum=0;
for (int i=0; i<weights.length; i++) sum+=inputs[i]*weights[i];
return sum;
class Network {
int structure[];
int structure2[];
Neuron n[];
Network(int struc[]) {
structure=new int[struc.length];
for (int i=1; i<struc.length; i++) structure[i]+=struc[i]+structure[i-1];
n=new Neuron[structure[structure.length-1]];
for (int i=0; i<structure.length-1; i++) {
for (int j=structure[i]; j<structure[i+1]; j++) {
n[j]=new Neuron(j, struc[i]);
float calculate(float inputs[]) {
int max=inputs.length;
for (int i=0; i<structure.length; i++) if (max<structure2[i]) max=structure2[i];
float[][] hiddenlayer=new float[structure.length][max];
for (int i=0; i<structure.length-1; i++) {
for (int j=structure[i]; j<structure[i+1]; j++) {
return hiddenlayer[structure.length-1][0];
void supervisedLearningCustom(float learning_rate, float inp[], float correct_answer) {
for (int i=0; i<n.length; i++) n[i].forewardpropragation(learning_rate, correct_answer-calculate(inp));
Now this code won’t create any problem:
Network n;
void setup() {
n=new Network(new int[]{2, 5, 1});
void draw() {
n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 1}, 0);
n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 0}, 1);
println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 0}));
println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 1}));
While this code leads to this result:
Network n;
void setup() {
n=new Network(new int[]{2, 5, 1});
void draw() {
n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{0, 1}, 1);
n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 1}, 0);
n.supervisedLearningCustom(0.25, new float[]{1, 0}, 1);
println(n.calculate(new float[]{0, 1}));
println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 0}));
println(n.calculate(new float[]{1, 1}));
I know the if Infinity occures once there is a chain reaction wich makes all NaN
- Infinity occures
- the result becomes Infinity or NaN
- the error uses it
- it gets build in in the weights
- all results become Infinity or NaN
Why is this and how can I fix this?