I need help with the library for path planning from @quark, although it may not actually be specific for the library.
I have the program from this thread: Path finder java pathfinder library processing, but tweaked it a little.
when you run it, you will see the specific locations too close to the wall shown in red.
What I want, is that the path goes around the wall, so that none of the locations are red if that makes sense.
I would like to keep the option to put an endpoint within that red area if needed, and the path will still find a path to there, while going through the red area as little as possible.
the idea behind it is like a robot, with a width. when it drives past the wall it should avoid it enough to not bump into it, but when the destination is again the wall, it will drive towards it, with the last part (inside the red zone) perpendicular to the wall.
the code:
import pathfinder.*;
int amount = 100;
int size;
//float[][] invalidPos;
ArrayList<PVector> invalidPos;
// PathFinding_01
Graph graph;
// These next 2 are only needed to display
// the nodes and edges.
GraphEdge[] edges;
GraphNode[] nodes;
GraphNode[] route;
// Pathfinder algorithm
IGraphSearch pathFinder;
// Used to indicate the start and end nodes as selected by the user.
GraphNode startNode, endNode;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
size = width/amount;
// Create graph
for (int i = amount/4; i < amount-amount/4; i++) {
graph.removeNode(i + amount/2 * amount);
// Get nodes and edges
nodes = graph.getNodeArray();
edges = graph.getAllEdgeArray();
// Now get a path finder object
pathFinder = new GraphSearch_Astar(graph);
// Now get a route between 2 nodes
// You can change the parameter values but they must be valid IDs
int xStart = 0; //start at top left
int yStart = 0; //start at top left
int xEnd = amount-1; //end at bottom right
int yEnd = amount-1; //end at bottom right
pathFinder.search(xStart + yStart * amount, xEnd + yEnd * amount); //search for path between start and end
route = pathFinder.getRoute(); //get the path
//invalidPos = new float[route.length][2];
invalidPos = new ArrayList<PVector>();
int counter = 0;
boolean oldValue = false;
for (int i = 0; i < route.length; i++) { //check every point in the path
float x = route[i].xf();
float y = route[i].yf();
for (int j = width/4; j < width-width/4; j+= size) { //with every point of the "wall"
float d = dist(x, y, j, height/2); //calc the distance
if (d < 5*size) { //if within range of 5 nodes
for (int k = 0; k < invalidPos.size(); k++) { //check for if the value is aleady existent.
oldValue = (x == invalidPos.get(k).x && y == invalidPos.get(k).y);
if (oldValue) break;
if (!oldValue) { //if it's a new value, save it
invalidPos.add(new PVector(x, y)); //probably more efficient with Arraylist of PVectors (done),
//invalidPos[counter][1] = y; //would create dynamic length instead of fixed length of route
oldValue = true;
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < invalidPos.size(); i++) {
stroke(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(invalidPos.get(i).x, invalidPos.get(i).y, 5, 5);
void drawGraph() {
// Edges first
stroke(180, 180, 200);
//for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
// GraphNode from = edges[i].from();
// GraphNode to = edges[i].to();
// line(from.xf(), from.yf(), to.xf(), to.yf());
// Nodes next
fill(240, 255, 240);
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
GraphNode node = nodes[i];
ellipse(node.xf(), node.yf(), 2, 2);
void drawPath() {
stroke(200, 255, 200, 160);
for (int i = 1; i < route.length; i++) {
GraphNode from = route[i-1];
GraphNode to = route[i];
line(from.xf(), from.yf(), to.xf(), to.yf());
void createGraph() {
graph = new Graph();
// Create and add node
GraphNode node;
int node_id = 0;
for (int v = 0; v < amount; v++) {
for (int h = 0; h < amount; h++) {
node = new GraphNode(node_id, size/2 + h * size, size/2 + v * size);
// Create horizontal edges
for (int v = 0; v < amount; v++) {
for (int h = 1; h < amount; h++) {
graph.addEdge(v * amount + h-1, v * amount + h, 0, 0);
// Create vertical edges
for (int h = 0; h < amount; h++) {
for (int v = 1; v < amount; v++) {
graph.addEdge(v * amount - amount + h, v * amount + h, 0, 0);
if anyone needs any clarification, ask away