This might be more a physics question then a programming question but because it is described in “The Nature of Code” somebody might have an answer as well.
I am currently working on something, where I want to implement drag to a moving/falling object.
Following, what is written in TNoC (and what I think makes sense), I used the drag equation calculation a force and then applied that to my moving object.
I apply the constant force from gravity as well.
What I would expect is that the velocity is increasing to an equilibrium/constant value, where drag and gravity equal out
What happens is that the velocity is fluctuating around 0, quickly escalating to endless values.
Just a simple example, why:
Speed = 0 (Gravity +10, Drag -0)
Speed = 10 (Gravity +10, Drag -100)
Speed = -80 (Gravity +10, Drag +6400)
Speed = 6330 etc.
Because drag goes with the speed square it quickly dominates the forces defining acceleration. Obviously that should not happen, but I am not sure, what is wrong, because it is simply applying the physical equations.
I probably could limit the drag or use a drag constant so small, that it has a smaller effect, but I would like to use the exact equation, not just manipulating it to make it work.
I guess I miss something in the application of the drag equation?
void force(){
PVector gforce = new PVector(0,3);
PVector drag = velocity.copy();
float cd = 1.2;
float speed = velocity.mag();
float dragmagnitude = cd * sq(speed);
void applyForce(PVector force_){
PVector f = PVector.div(force_,mass);
void update(){